John the Baptist

Conrad Hilario
Luke 3:16-19

Who was John the Baptist and why was he performing water baptisms in preparation for the Messiah? John was a humble person which allowed him to shine the light on Jesus. What does it look like to be humble: 1) seeing all that we have as being from God; 2) not getting jealous of other people's success; 3) sensitive to self-promotion, and 4) willing to humble ourselves before others.

More Evidence-Unity Among Jesus' Followers

Jeff Gordon
John 17:18-26

On the last night Jesus had with his disciples, he told them that what he wanted was unity among them. In order to have unity and for people to come together, it has to be done on the basis of what God has done for us: sending Jesus to die on the cross and giving the Holy Spirit to live inside of us. By having a relationship with God and abiding in Him, this is what allows authentic unity that is different than what our culture offers. The purpose of unity within God's family is ultimately to fulfill the mission of Jesus; to save those who are lost. \r\n

Receiving the Help of the Holy Spirit

Gary DeLashmutt
John 15:1-12

How often do we turn to God to pray for direction from the Holy Spirit? Many of us try to go it alone. God has given us the Spirit as a helper and He can supply the opportunity but we must be praying to see these opportunities and pray for the words to say through the Spirit. Teaching includes sharing from the audience on "How does involvement with other Christians help us to cultivate this lifestyle?"

The Holy Spirit & The World

Jeff Gordon
John 16:5-12

When Jesus was speaking with his disciples, he told them that it was to their benefit that he leave to go with the Father in Heaven. Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to be their helper. The Holy Spirit has come into the world not only to be the helper to Jesus' followers, but to convict the world. The Holy Spirit comes to help in assuring our relationship with God, revealing God's Word, personally leading people with empowerment, and revealing the love of God to others. \r\n

The Help of the Holy Spirit (Part 2)

Gary DeLashmutt
John 15:26-27

How often do we rely on the Holy Spirit to show us opportunities to share Christ with those around us? Even more so, how often are we praying to be able to share Christ effectively? Paul and the apostles knew the power of the Holy Spirit and knew to pray for what they needed - whether that was boldness, to preach clearly, or opportunities to share Christ. This same Spirit is available to all believers in Christ as a helper to us in this fallen world.

The Help of the Holy Spirit

Gary DeLashmutt
Ephesians 1:13

Jesus teaches that the Christian life is the Spirit-filled life. Through the power of the Holy Spirit we are able to love others as only Jesus can. We have not been left orphaned here, but can be secure in God's love through the promise and seal of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit helps us in personal tutoring of God. Without the Holy Spirit the things of God would be foolishness to us.

First Mission to the Gentiles (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Acts 13:1-39

Barnabas and Saul are commissioned by the Christians in Antioch and sent to Cyprus and then Galatia. On their missionary journey they encounter spiritual opposition, and have the chance to speak before a governor. Through this passage we see that being sent by God involves prayer, the direction of the the Holy Spirit, and consistency with God's calling. We are also commissioned to spread the same message of grace and freedom!

The Source of Love

Jeff Gordon
John 14:1-20

Jesus leads his followers from anxiety and angst, to peace of mind and heart if we trust and believe in him through the Holy Spirit. This is the promised living water to which Jesus had been referring. The Holy Spirit would enter his disciples after he ascended to heaven and be their advocate and comforter. The Holy Spirit provides believers with: 1) assurance of our relationship with God, 2) confidence that our eternity is secure in heaven, 3) revelation about God's Word, 4) personal insight into God's Will, and 5) the empowering to do what God leads us to do.

God Changes Lives!

Dennis McCallum
2 Peter 1:1-9

Peter begins his letter by speaking about how God wants to change the lives of believers; He wants to make us more like Jesus, and He has supplied the power for that change. God wants us to partake in the promises that He has given us, and through: having a position in Christ, believing and focusing on that position, and with faith, God will change us.