Jesus Steps Out

Dennis McCallum
Mark 1:9-13

Jesus' baptism by John the Baptist reflected that he would take over the work that preceded him by the Old Testament prophets. Jesus' temptation in the wilderness by Satan describes the intense spiritual battle that we, as Christians, are a part of. In order to be successful in spiritual warfare, Christians need to be rooted in God's truth to dismantle Satan's lies and have dependence on the Holy Spirit's power during times of temptation. Jesus was now ready to begin his ministry to tell people about the forgiveness possible through him.

Praying for Spiritual Enlightenment

Gary DeLashmutt
Ephesians 1:16-22

Praying for spiritual enlightenment for ourselves and for others is important. Spiritual enlightenment involves the Holy Spirit supernaturally enabling us to see what God gives us through His son, Jesus. Gary DeLashmutt gives his personal testimony of how initial enlightenment sparked his relationship with God, then explains the role of enlightenment in spiritual maturity as to not get stuck in perpetual spiritual infancy.

Praying As Jesus' Representative

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 4:2-6

As Jesus' representatives, believers can pray for God's help in representing Him well. Gary DeLashmutt focuses on three types of requests we can make of God based on the prayer in Colossians: 1) create opportunities for me to share about Jesus' love; 2) show me how to demonstrate Jesus' love through my actions; and 3) enable me to express Jesus' love in this conversation.

Praying When Your World is Rocked

Gary DeLashmutt
Acts 4:24-30

When we pray, God will help us overcome world-rocking crises. Overcoming may not mean deliverance from circumstances, but God can allow us to victoriously do His will in the midst of tribulation. The prayer in Acts includes three key points, that God would: 1) consider the threats against them; 2) enable them to represent Jesus well; and 3) pour out the Holy Spirit in healing so people may experience God. Gary DeLashmutt expounds on how this prayer serves as an example for us today. Includes a testimony by Bev DeLashmutt on a spiritual role model of victorious suffering in her life.

Praying for Others

Jeff Gordon
Ephesians 3:14-21

Why does anyone pray? The apostle Paul was compelled to pray when he reflected on the mystery of Christ. ?The mystery of Christ' is explored as well as how it embodies the way God pursues us despite a stark contrast between His perfect nature and our human nature. He advocates praying for ourselves and others as a means of relating to God and closes with two personal examples of lives transformed by prayer.

Joy and Spiritual Unity

Jim Leffel
Philippians 2:1-3

Under great stress you learn more about who you really are. Suffering brings out critical weaknesses and also reveals your true priorities. Unity is essential in the midst of suffering. As Christians, we have a corporate identity in Christ and each other, through the Holy Spirit. Paul explains to the Philippians what spiritual unity looks like in every day life.

Withstanding Spiritual Agony

Dennis McCallum
Philippians 4:7

Paul taught us that it is important when we face times of spiritual agony to look back at the message that God has carved into our hearts. God writes His message in our lives through the experiences that we have, where we see Him provide for us or use us in other people's lives. When we look at all that God has done for us, it becomes clear that He will continue to work in our lives, and that we are headed toward overwhelming victory in Him.

Consecration & Transformation

Jim Leffel
Romans 12:1-2

Biblical worship is demonstrated by a life lived fully for God based on His mercy as we present our whole lives before Him to be used as He wants. As a result, God is able to transform our thinking to go against the values of the world. Gradually, God is able to help us understand how to pursue His purposes better as His will becomes more clear for our lives.

Get Your Head Together

Jim Leffel
Romans 8:1-27

Our new identity in Christ allows us to pursue spiritual growth through living according to the Holy Spirit. This happens as we set our minds habitually upon the Holy Spirit's work, leading to real life and peace. Five things that we should consider in our minds are: 1) the Holy Spirit's living presence in our lives; 2) how the Holy Spirit allows us to relate to God; 3) the transforming power of the Spirit; 4) the Spirit's ability to comfort and coach us in God's work; and 5) the Spirit's leading.