Jesus' Departure

Dennis McCallum
Acts 1:1-8

After Jesus' death and resurrection, Jesus gives his disciples the Great Commission, a call to go and make disciples of all the nations. We see that Christianity is not exclusive, and we are called to share God's offer of forgiveness with others, because Christ died for all sin. This begins a new chapter in God's eternal plan: knowledge of him was harbored amongst the nation of Israel, but now explodes outward to all people. When a church takes hold and actively participates in this mission, growth and excitement follow.

Focusing on Eternal Things

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 4:17-5:11

Paul describes the difference between the "earthly tent" and the "building of God". These are descriptions of us currently living in these imperfect bodies who long for the eternal experience of life with God in heaven. The building of God is much stronger and built for eternal existence. We have a taste of what life will be like with God through His seal of the Holy Spirit but even this is just a hint of the intimate relationship with God that is to come when we meet Him face to face.