Joy in Unity

Jim Leffel
Philippians 1:27-2:10

As believers, we can commit deeply with one another because in God's world, truth is not relative. In the Body, we are striving together as fellow truth-seekers, rather than like in the world where everyone clashes over their disparate, personal truths. We experience a deeper unity because the bonds we share in Christ change us and we share the same Holy Spirit. Another source of unifying joy is the coming together to accomplish a cause that is greater than any one of us, and is worthy of our time and sacrifice.

The Emptying

Dennis McCallum
Philippians 2:5-11

The concept that Jesus was fully God as well as fully human can be difficult to comprehend for our limited human minds. nevertheless, Jesus, fully divine, chose to set aside his supernatural powers in order to live fully as a mere man on earth. He emptied himself of his godly powers and relied entirely upon the Holy Spirit as he lived as a man. He did this so that he could be our faithful high priest and intercede for us on the cross. Because he was fully God, he had the infinite nature that could take on an infinite judgment against sin. And because of his obedience even unto death on a cross, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all names.

Jesus and John the Baptist

Ben Foust
Matthew 3:1-17

John the Baptist's ministry was to announce the approaching Messiah who would make a way to reconcile the lost world to himself. As John himself encounters Jesus, he discovers Jesus is infinitely more transcendent than he expected and yet, Jesus lowered himself far lower than John could ever have imagined by coming in the form of a common man. John's mind is blown!

The Fruit of the Spirit

James Rochford
Galatians 5:22-25

What is the secret to becoming a more loving, courageous, happy, and patient person? With characteristic depth of insight, Paul shows us as he concludes Galatians chapter 5.

The Full Armor of God (Part 2)

Gary DeLashmutt
Ephesians 6:16-17

The apostle Paul was chained to Roman soldiers when he wrote this letter. He uses their armor to illustrate God's resources for our battle with supernatural evil. This time we discuss the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit.

The Role of the Holy Spirit in Sharing Christ

Gary DeLashmutt
Acts 1:8

The book of Acts unfolds the multi-faceted ways the Holy Spirit enables us to be Jesus' witnesses: 1) He guides us into opportunities to share; 2) He gives us courage and articulation as we share; 3) He convicts people of their need for Jesus; 4) He enables us to do confirming deeds of love; and 5) He encourages us when we experience opposition.\r\n

How the Holy Spirit Empowers Us to Witness

Mike Sullivan
Acts 1:8

The new testament makes clear that God's plan for spreading the gospel is that believers should be his witnesses; we do not do so by our own power, but through the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit empowers us by guiding us and opening doors for the gospel, providing us with wisdom and the courage to speak, convicting and drawing people to Jesus, and confirming the truth of our message.

Be Filled with the Spirit

Gary DeLashmutt
Ephesians 5:18-21

The most concise passage in the New Testament on how to be filled with God's Spirit. A helpful and practical look at what it means to: 1) speak God's truth to ourselves; 2) give thanks; and 3) be subject to one another. Habitual submission to the Holy Spirit's control results in progressive health.\r\n

Being Filled with the Holy Spirit

Mike Sullivan
Ephesians 5:18-21

Although we receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit the moment we place our faith in Jesus, the Bible speaks of being "filled" with the Holy Spirit as something different. A person filled with the Holy Spirit lives a life characteristic of the Spirit that involves speaking truth to ourselves, giving thanks to God, and actively serving others.