The Holy Spirit in the Farewell Address of Jesus

Ryan Weingartner

Before He is crucified, Jesus tells the Disciples that after He is gone He will send the Holy Spirit to help and comfort them. Christians all receive the Holy Spirit when we place our trust in Christ. The Spirit unites us to God, produces spiritual fruit in our lives, and allows us to experience joy and peace, even in times of discouragement.

Your Advocate

Lee Campbell
John 13-17

A literary device known as a chiasm is used to explain Jesus' conversation with his disciples the night before his crucifixion. Special attention is given to the role of the Advocate. Jesus promised his disciples that he would send another Advocate?the Holy Spirit, to be with them and all believers forever. He binds believers to God, teaches us and guides each of us personally.

The Prayer of a Servant

Mike Sullivan
John 13-17

In Jesus, we see a perfect model of a life of ministry dependent of the Holy Spirit, rooted in prayer. Christians today are also called to love and serve others through the power of the Holy Spirit, who supplies all we need when resources and power are otherwise scarce. Three key attitudes when asking God to help us serve others are to have a willingness to serve, to recognize our helplessness, and to be shamelessly audacious in prayer.

The Holy Spirit

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 11:1-13

A passage concerning what Jesus taught about the Holy Spirit's future role in His followers' lives. It's a promise of the Holy Spirit's provision for Christians who serve others. If we want to be effective servants, three attitudes are necessary: 1) willingness to serve; 2) seeing our helplessness in meeting people's deepest needs; and 3) shameless audacity in asking God for help. When we ask Him in faith, He will give us whatever provision of the Holy Spirit we need in order to serve others as His representatives.\r\n

The Holy Spirit & the Mission of Jesus

Mike Sullivan
Luke 11:1-13

The Bible makes clear that Jesus lived his life and carried out his mission through dependence on the Holy Spirit. Likewise, Christians should live lives of purpose, carrying out our God-given mission of sharing the gospel, with much prayer and dependence on the Holy Spirit to work within and through us.

Who is the Holy Spirit and Why is He So Important?

Mike Sullivan
Luke 11:1-13

The Holy Spirit is mentioned dozens of times in the New Testament, yet many Christians find themselves knowing little about Him. Who exactly is the Holy Spirit, and why is He so important? In fact, He has many roles in the world and we should pray for increased understanding and appreciation of His role in our lives, that we could have greater anticipation of His work in every situation, and that we could become more responsive to His leading.

Who is the Holy Spirit and Why is He So Important?

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 11:1-13

Who is the Holy Spirit? Why is He so important? What role does He play in the life of the believer? These questions are answered in this introductory message of this series on the Holy Spirit. Assurance of salvation, transformation of character, empowerment to love and serve others, and the Trinity are discussed as well as goals for the series.

Supernatural Living!

Jim Leffel
Galatians 5:13

Romans 8 describes God's great rebuilding program, addressing the brokenness that troubles all of us, including those who have a relationship with God through Christ. The first part of the chapter focuses on the Holy Spirit's role in allowing us to find freedom from the domination and defeat of sin that God says is possible. This is not accomplished through our effort, but by God's Spirit indwelling us, changing us from the inside out. The passage lists 3 main ways in which the Spirit works: he leads, he testifies to God's love for us, and he intercedes for us. Our part is to "walk by the Spirit" and to set our minds on God's truth.

Walking by the Spirit

Scott Risley
Romans 8:1-17

After explaining the role of the law and how it leads to bondage when we try to live by it, Paul now describes a life of freedom as we live by the Spirit--one that delights in spending time with God and enjoys a relationship of love and trust with our heavenly father.