Judea & Samaria

Ben Foust
Acts 8:1-39

Jesus' followers encounter persecution that results in them being scattered. While all appears hopeless, God actually uses their circumstance to advance the gospel into Samaria, just as Jesus predicted. This passage also covers Philip's encounter with a eunuch, where Philip powerfully shares the gospel, dependent upon the Holy Spirit.

Introduction to the Book of Acts

Ben Foust
Acts 1:6-8

The book of Acts is about proclaiming the message of salvation, establishment and mission of the church and the power of the Holy Spirit. It was written by Luke as a historical account of what happens after Jesus' resurrection.

Evangelism: Heart Issues & Practices

Phil Franck
Acts 1:6-8

God wants to use His people to reach the lost by spreading His Good News as He opens doors of opportunity. We need to examine our motivation and attitudes that may block our participation in evangelism. There are many things that can cause fear in sharing the Good News. To overcome those obstacles we need to start with our identity and mission from God. There are endless tools God has given us to be effective; His Holy Spirit, prayer, His Gospel, and creativity, to name a few.\r\n

Knowing the Bible for All Its Worth

Douglas Stuart
Revelation 20:4

The Bible is a rich, vast wealth of knowledge, and we should strive to experience the life-changing power of God's Word. This presentation begins with recent scientific discovery about teeth remains at Carnage that stuns skepticism against an inerrant Bible. God's Word rises above skepticism. Beyond that, God's Word truly has life changing capabilities, laced with a power that is fueled by the Spirit. Through providing solutions to challenges in reading the Bible and recognizing incentives for becoming readers of the Word, we can begin knowing the Bible for its true worth.

The Gospel Goes to Rome

James Rochford
Acts 27:1-28:31

Luke details Paul's journey to Rome. Paul trusted God and proclaimed His goodness despite the many hardships he faced on his way to Rome. Upon arriving, Paul gave his defense to the Jewish leaders and Caesar trying to persuade them about Jesus. He continued to teach the Word with boldness and without hindrance.

Return to Jerusalem

James Rochford
Acts 21:1-23:11

Summary\r\nPaul goes to Jerusalem and is put on trial where he gives a defense for believing and teaching the message of Jesus. While Paul is in the middle of God's will he experiences suffering. Following Christ includes uncertainty, fear, rejection, and maybe personal harm.

Back to Jerusalem

Dennis McCallum
Acts 21:1-22:29

Paul embarks on his return journey to Jerusalem and encounters believers praying for him and concerned for his safety, knowing he will encounter opposition in Jerusalem. However, Paul knows that the Holy Spirit is leading him back, and is willing to die for the sake of the Lord Jesus.

A Portrait of Christian Leadership

James Rochford
Acts 20:1-38

Paul gives the Ephesian elders a moving speech to exhort them to lead faithfully. In this portrait of leadership from Paul, there are numerous lessons that apply to leading the church today.

The Movement in Ephesus

James Rochford
Acts 18:24-19:41

God builds His church through five snapshots in Ephesus: 1) Apollos, 2) John the Baptist's disciples, 3) lecture hall of Tyrannus, 4) spiritual warfare, and 5) reaction of the people. God moves through His Holy Spirit covertly and overtly while protecting His people.