Not Better, But New

Jim Leffel
Romans 5:12-21

All humans are naturally identified with Adam, alienated from God with a fallen nature and awaiting death. However, Christ came and is the new Adam, allowing us to be completely identified with him. When we are in Christ, we have new power and drives that come from God that allow for transformation in all areas of our lives.

Justification & "Real World" Spirituality

Jim Leffel
Romans 5:1-11

Our justification before God through Christ results in new spiritual realities. Now we have real peace with God, privileged access to God, and a future hope in heaven. When we encounter suffering in our lives, we can rejoice knowing that God is able to use it to transform and grow our character. As we grow in endurance and perseverance amidst trials, we can experience God's love and understand that it has eternal impact.

Recovering From The Fall

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 3:7-19

The human race is in an abnormal state because of a "fall" from our intended role. This fall resulted in several kinds of alienation from God: theological, psychological, sociological, and ecological. Gradual spiritual growth can help reverse some of the damage that this fall caused, and it is never too late to begin that recovery process.

The Nature of the Human Race

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 2:15-25

Two more characteristics of humans are described: 1) unity and diversity, and 2) being shameless, uninhibited, and free. These ideas relate to the way people view sex, marriage, peace, and anxiety. Because of the choice to eat from the tree in the garden, the previously healthy versions of these have been distorted. The tree of knowledge of good and evil represented autonomy and self rule, while the tree of life represented union with God, which can be regained in Christ.

What is the Human Race?

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 2:15-20

The human race is made up of characteristics that became distorted after the Fall: 1) benevolent ruler-ship, 2) creative accomplishment, 3) free moral agency, 4) relational, and 5) intellectual creativity. These have applications in our relationship with God, with each other, and in the afterlife.

Change Your Life!

Dennis McCallum
2 Peter 1:1-9

Peter, at the end of his life, begins his letter by speaking of the importance of our position in Christ. Believing and living in our position in Christ is how we are able to grow and become more Christlike.

Freedom and Slavery

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Peter 1:1-9

A key contrast throughout scripture is freedom and slavery. The Bible stands against human slavery, while focusing on the real freedom God offers to other forms of slavery, including to the law, sin, and other people's judgments of us. God offers us the chance to become slaves to Christ, serving him from gratitude for what he did on the cross. As we live more and more for Christ, we experience increasing freedom from being enslaved to selfish desires and ways of life.

Man to Man: Discipleship Issues for Men

Jeff Gordon
2 Timothy 2:3-7

Outlining 2 Timothy, Jeff points out the importance of discipling individual people but also the struggles that come alongside it. With men especially, the issue of identity and significance play a key role in their ability to grow and walk with God.

Being Renewed

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 4:17-24

Ephesians emphasizes that lifestyle flows out of identity. The gentiles are described to have a darkened understanding, leading to a chaotic lifestyle. The prescription is a renewed understanding of the human condition, their culpable ignorance (which causes deep conflict and eventual callousness within), sensuality, and greed. All of these are ingrained habits that believers need the Spirit to transform. This new awareness leads believers to value a different way of living.