The Helper

Dennis McCallum
John 14:1-30

The disciples are shocked and confused when Jesus tells them he will not be staying with them permanently. Jesus comforts them explaining that it will be better if he goes, as he will send the Helper, or the Holy Spirit, in his place. We learn that the Holy Spirit is the key to true spirituality and has 8 ministries that we can experience: empowering, intercessory, transforming, sealing, indwelling, baptizing, enlightening, and the Inspiration of Scripture.

Team Building

Mike Jentes
Colossians 2:12-14

Since teams are knit together from unique individuals created by God, it is important to understand who God made each person to be. Remembering our position in Christ and discovering our passions, spiritual gifts, and temperaments will help us better understand how God created us individually and how we can be used in a team setting. Building unified relationships among a team requires regular communication and spending a lot of time together enjoying shared experiences. Ministry teams can also benefit from having a clear mission and unified ideas regarding their team atmosphere.

Dreaded Leader's Disease and Deliverance (Part 1)

Bill Lawrence
Mark 6:45-52

When it comes to being a servant leader the main focus needs to be on allowing God to continue to grow you in your character. Everything you are pours out into everything you do. Anyone can learn the skills to be a leader, but it is in the transformative power of God where you can model real sanctification. Your heart must be softened to the work He is doing in your own life.

Considered Ethically and Theologically

Dennis McCallum
Romans 14:22

We are not called to blindly follow any governing body and subject ourselves to them in moral matters. We look into the theology of Islam which calls on those who follow it to act based on rules in the Koran. We also look at the history of the Christian church and its' own actions in the past. We do not have any calling in the Bible to create a Christian power government in any country. Our kingdom lies with God in heaven, we are here to guide people to His love and His good news.

Character that Counts - Fleeing Lust & Pursuing Righteousness

Jim Leffel
2 Timothy 2:19-26

God's standards for leadership in the church are centered around godly character. Spiritual gifts, ministry skills, and calling are useless in the life of a leader without character, and God wants to integrate who we are with how we live as we grow in our relationship with Him. This integration happens only when Christians understand the proper motivation for change and pursue a life of others-centered, sacrificial love. God also calls Christian leaders to be patient and humble in correcting people in their lives who are seeking change since they too are learning what it looks like to follow God. A video testimony from Jim Dorado was included.

Making the Most of the "Lord's Prayer"

Gary DeLashmutt
Matthew 6:7-15

Life in God's kingdom is different from religion. Jesus teaches his followers how to truly pray. Instead of reciting empty words needlessly, God wants us to connect with him. As we take time to understand who God is, what He has done, and who we are before him, we can pray in a genuine and real way.

Finding Your Role in the Body of Christ

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 12:1-14:40

When people put their faith in Christ, they are united not just with him, but also with other believers. The identity and function of the Body of Christ is well-defined in scripture. We explore how this plays out in believers' lives and how to become more deeply involved in and experience true fellowship. Includes a reference: Case Study on the Church in China, 1949 to present.\r\n

Suffering and Spiritual Growth

Dennis McCallum
2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Not only does spiritual growth occur through the building up of the new spiritual person within, it requires the breaking down of the outer man as well. God uses outward circumstances to chip away at our outer man so that the spirit of God within us can come through more and more. On our part, this requires active cooperation and the rejection of illegitimate pain reducers. The only context in which spiritual growth is possible is an eternal value system. We must focus on our position in Christ and the security that comes from our identity in him.

Walking According to the Spirit

Dennis McCallum
Romans 8

When we accept Christ's death on the cross to count for ourselves, we die to our flesh and are released from the Law. Now we have a new identity, and can choose to walk according to the Spirit. What does that look like? Paul breaks down the differences in a Christian's life when they choose to live according to the flesh versus according to the Spirit.