Sibling Rivalry

Chris Deken

Sibling rivalry is ultimately a heart issue. It is children attempting to get or competing for love, and affirmation from their human parents instead of receiving their identity and security from their Heavenly Father. Having siblings is a daily laboratory to character development. It is leading your children to the realization they are not the center of the universe. Parenting siblings is about pointing them with grace and love to the One who can meet all their needs.

Are We Overprotective?

Paul Alexander
Rebecca Alexander
1 Samuel 1

As much as we hate suffering, it is fair to say as parents, we hate even more to see our children suffer. Paul and Becky Alexander share how they as parents have learned to avoid the mistake of following the cultural mandate to protect your children from any and all suffering. They cite studies that demonstrate that allowing your children to experience normal, reasonable levels of suffering actually prepares them to deal with the inevitable suffering, that will come their way, in a positive, healthy way.

Being a Stay at Home Mom

Patrice McCormac
1 Samuel 1

Patrice McCormac talks about the costs of parenting, especially when Mom stays home. Our parenting is impacted by our view on the financial costs as well as the cost to our identity when we become parents. It is no surprise that having kids is expensive, but what may be surprising is having more money does not make us happier. \r\nOur identity often takes a hit after we have kids. It is important to not take out identity from our parenting but from the fact we are the precious adopted children of a loving God.

Ministering Because I Matter

Mateo Williamson
Philippians 1:9

In order to approach God's ministry from the way He wants you to, you must know who you are and why you matter. What God says about you and your identity will guide you in how to love. There are many signs and symptoms that arise when you minister from your own self effort. They are all self-focused and fear based. When you minister from your identity, you come from a place of humility and gratitude. The result is bearing fruit for God and experiencing His love.

A Fresh Way of Appropriating the Bible's Truths

Ryan Weingartner
Romans 5:2-5

Learning to appropriate biblical truth is crucial to growing with God. The three truths that are foundational to understand are: substitution, identity, and eternal. All three are needed for spiritual growth. There are many negative symptoms that come when one or more of these truths are lacking. It is wise to start off by memorizing scripture with these truths and to talk to God about them in your prayer life.

Looking Back on Life - and Ahead to Life!

Larry Crabb
Romans 7:5-6

When the anticipation of heaven is rendered insignificant in comparison to a longing for a better life now, it becomes difficult if not impossible to love others well. When making our primary goal to live a better life now, we will not be willing to sacrifice and suffer in order to love others. But when our goal becomes loving God and learning to understand the trinity deeper, we will discover the joy of abiding in Christ and having fellowship with the Father.

Your New Self

Ryan Lowery
Galatians 6:8

Paul shares with the Colossians that when you come into a relationship with God, through Jesus Christ, your whole identity is changed. The first step in appropriating this identity is putting spiritual things first and disciplining your thoughts to align with your new identity. This is how real character transformation occurs.

Spiritual Confidence

Jess Lowery
Galatians 6:8

Confidence can sway in two opposites: arrogance or a low and guilty view of self. The Biblical picture of confidence is rooted in knowing one's identity in Christ. The Gospel permits a steady assurance of God's truth to lead Christians' lives.

Spiritual Confidence

Jess Lowery
Galatians 6:8

Spiritual confidence is not about being confident of our own abilities (pride). Rather, spiritual confidence is rooted in who God is and is reflected in a Christian's humility that doesn't sway to being man-centered or super-spiritual. Christians can have true confidence in knowing that their all-powerful and omniscient God is in control.