Preparing Our Minds for Suffering

Conrad Hilario
1 Peter 4:12-19

Since suffering is inevitable in this world, Peter gives six principles for enduring suffering in ways that brings glory to God. Don't be surprised when you encounter suffering. Instead, rejoice in suffering, knowing that God will use it for your good. Make sure you avoid unnecessary suffering, such as suffering as the result of doing evil. When you do suffer, do not be ashamed of suffering for Christ. Entrust your soul to God who is your faithful Creator. Do what is right, for in due time you will receive your reward.

Spiritual Lifestyle in a Rugged World

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 4:12-19

Peter offers six things to do or not do when encountering suffering as a Christian. Firstly, do not be surprised! Jesus told us the world first hated Him and will hate us as well. Secondly, keep on rejoicing. We can rejoice because suffering teaches us many valuable lessons. Thirdly, do not bring on unnecessary suffering by sinning. Fourthly, do not be ashamed because you bear the name of the One who was not ashamed to go to the cross for us. Fifthly, entrust your soul to a faithful Creator because surely the One who created you will also take care of you in all circumstances. Finally, continue in doing what is right even in the face of difficulties.

Keys to Victorious Suffering

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 1:24-2:1

Paul shares with the Colossians how he rejoices in his suffering not to gain their pity but to alleviate their distress. He gives them three keys to victorious suffering. First, we can endure suffering because God has revealed to us where history is headed. Second, we know we each have a unique role to play in God's plan. Third, we have access to God's power.

What's So Great about Christianity?

James Rochford
1 Peter 1:1-12

Everything in this life is perishable, defiled, and fading away. But we rejoice because we have obtained an inheritance that is eternal, imperishable, undefiled, and will not fade away. We can endure trials and suffering in this life because we have a salvation that results in us having praise and glory and honor at the appearing of Christ. We never have to doubt God's love for us. Our slate has been wiped clean and our place in eternity is secure. God will heap such rewards on us that we can't fathom the magnitude of what we are going to experience in that day.

A Life of Inexpressible Joy

Conrad Hilario
1 Peter 1:1-9

Upon receiving Christ, we become chosen by God, we have an imperishable inheritance, and we have incredible security in our salvation. God desires we obey him for the long term out of love and not out of fear for the short term. I response to his incredible gifts and our security in him, we can live a life of inexpressible joy, and courage even through times of difficult trials.

Participating in Christ's Suffering

Jim Leffel
Colossians 1:24-29

Participating in the suffering of Christ involves counting the cost of the pain of living in interdependent community, knowing the purpose of that pain and receiving the prize of following him, that is, joy. The experience of joy is directly related to the value of the object of joy, the incomparable Christ.

Things God has Done for Us

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 1:1-9

Peter in 1 Peter 1 opens his first letter with a description of the things God has done for us who are in Christ. God has chosen us, set us apart. He has sprinkled us with the blood of Christ, allowing us to be spiritually reborn. We and all his promises to us are kept safe and secure by the power of God. We have the healing of our souls so damaged by sin. And finally we have the gift of suffering, which among other things, teaches us to truly depend upon God and not ourselves.

The Secret of Contentment

James Rochford
Philippians 4:10-13

Most people assume good circumstances equals contentment, bad circumstances equals discontent, but Paul tells us we can learn the secret of being content in all circumstances, whether good or bad. The way to contentment involves giving voluntarily to others, receiving from others, making love an ongoing lifestyle, and finding confidence in and from Christ. Paul really, truly believed that Jesus would always love him, never leave him, and will continue to empower him.

The Great Secret

Conrad Hilario
Philippians 4:10-23

Paul had learned the secret of contentment regardless of his circumstances. We think attaining success or accomplishing goals, or freedom from pain and suffering, or making more money will lead to happiness. The real secret to happiness is found in altering your expectations. Instead of expecting to win the Gold medal, be thrilled to win the Bronze. Stop looking at others to see how you stack up, to see if they have more than you. If you read Paul's writings chronologically, you will see he starts out comparing himself favorably to others but by the end of his life, he calls himself the worst of sinners.