The Sermon on the Plain II

Dennis McCallum
Luke 6:37-45

Jesus resumes his teachings from the passage known as the Sermon on the Plain. He gives instructions for creating close, personal relationships with other believers. A key part of developing loving relationships is being able to resolve conflict in a healthy and constructive way. Jesus gives us the freedom to admit when we are at fault. In this passage he gives further instructions on what to do and what not to do after we admit our fault.\r\n

Why Religion Doesn't Work

Ryan Lowery
Romans 2:1-11

How can God's judgment and love work in tandem? Why does God enact judgment? Why are we not fit to judge each other? These questions are addressed in Romans 2 through a discussion of God's character and humanity's limitations.

We Are All in the Same Boat

Ryan Lowery
Romans 1:24-2:1

Paul writes concerning the depravity of man. Topics include homosexuality, greed, murder, envy, deceit, gossip, slander, etc. Christians today may be uncomfortable with passages like these and choose to ignore them. We are called to decide if we will recognize God's authority or claim our own authority above God's when faced with a difficult truth. All people need God's grace. We should not point the finger in judgment of others.

The Bad News

Ryan Lowery
Romans 1:18-25

Paul answers two important questions surrounding God's character through this passage: 1) How can a loving God judge people and send them to hell? and 2) How can a just God allow evil to go unpunished? Paul explains that God has wrath against sin and humans suppress both His general and special revelation. A video by William Lane Craig is shown on the fine-tuning of the universe to explain God's general revelation. Paul explains that rather than glorifying God, humans make gods for themselves. This results in God's passive judgment as people experience the consequences of their sin. God's wrath, justice, mercy, and love were all simultaneously demonstrated at the cross where humans can be spared from the active wrath of God.

Giving God the Left-overs

Dennis McCallum
Malachi 1:1-14

After the temple and city were rebuilt, the people became complacent and spiritually apathetic. They sacrificed blind and crippled animals on God's altar. He let them know that He is the King and that their attitude problem was unacceptable.

When God Judges

Dennis McCallum
Amos 1:1-8

The prophet Amos is sent from Judah to Israel to warn them about God's judgment for their violation of the covenant with Him and that His protection will be removed from them. In order to understand the gift of God's grace in Jesus, we need to fully understand God's judgment for our sin, which is anything short of God's perfection.

The Sojourner's Attitude Towards Sin

Bev DeLashmutt
Romans 8:23-24

The Christian's relationship with sin in this life can be confusing. This workshop seeks to clarify the biblical understanding of sin in order to have a biblical response. Scripture teaches that we are free from sin's power to condemn, define, blind, or enslave us. Still, we are not free from the battle of indwelling sin, something that God allows for several purposes. As we form a biblical perspective in this area, we can form habits of confessing and repenting of our own sin, as well as showing compassion to other sinners.

The Correct Use of the Law

Conrad Hilario
1 Timothy 1:5-17

The Law shows us that we fall short of God's perfect standard. Many view the Law's stance on subjects like sexual immorality to be overly restrictive. But ultimately, the purpose of the Law is to lead us to Christ. Paul considered himself a trophy of God's grace in spite of his sin, and believers should take the same view of their own lives.

The Old Order Has Passed Away

Conrad Hilario
Revelation 20:7-21:7

The human heart rebels at every chance it gets, but God has gone to the furthest point possible to show that he is loving and just. This is evident in: 1) Satan's destruction; 2) the Great White Throne Judgment ; 3) the Bema Seat Judgment; 4) the creation of new heaven and new earth. In addition, common objections to the concept of hell are addressed, along with the question ?how can a loving God send people to hell??