Overcoming Prejudice with Love

Jim Leffel
1 John 3:17

James calls us to practice the love that Christ showed us. The world sees people in terms of their temporary status or wealth, but we are called to see people how God sees them. God sees them as loved, and so we should see everyone as a masterpiece of God's own creation.

Jesus vs. the Religious

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 22:1-46

Jesus continues to speak in parables, comparing the Kingdom of God to an incredible wedding banquet that the host is ecstatic to invite everyone to. Those who don't want to partake in the banquet because of "busyness" or trivial matters hits at the self-righteous Pharisees Jesus was totally opposed to. The Pharisees, threatened by Jesus, try and trap him through different lines of questioning, but Jesus refuses to submit and continues to distinguish God's servant love versus their man-made self-righteous religion. God's real heart is to get as many people into His great banquet as possible, made possible through Jesus Christ.

God's Sovereignty, Man's Revolt

Dennis McCallum
Luke 20:1-7

Jesus enters the temple and drives out those who are insulting the name of God. He then discusses parables with his disciples, which show the attitude and hearts of the Pharisees and religious people that were trying to kill him. The Pharisees were pseudo-spiritual, but were met with silence from Jesus because he understood their hearts were far from God. God's forbearance towards evil people is incredible, but not infinite, and eventually there will be judgment for those who are evil. All people are ultimately accountable to God for their lives, possessions, and use of their gifts; and yet God is willing to allow people to get involved in His work.

Abraham and Lot

Ryan Lowery
Genesis 19:24-29

Abraham started out as a man who barely knew anything about God but was still wiling to trust in His promises. He witnesses God's dealing with Sodom and Lot as a lesson in God's character. Ultimately, this teaches him how God's mercy and justice work together. In the end, Lot serves as an example of compromised faith, while Abraham serves as an example of God's faithfulness to those who trust Him.\r\n

God Restrains Evil

Jeff Gordon
Genesis 11:1-8

In the ancient world, God took action in order to restrain evil. The first way is by instituting government, including a balanced system of capital punishment for Israel in order to preserve human dignity in the case of murder. The second way is by scattering humanity in order to slow progress. This is because when mankind is unimpeded, we inevitably try to assert ourselves over God.

Noah and the Flood: Crucial Questions

Jeff Gordon
Genesis 6:5-7:24

The flood story can be controversial for both scientific and theological reasons. Both of these issues with God's judgment can be resolved. Ultimately, God must judge our evil choices but those who choose to trust Him will be saved.

What Will You Decide?

Scott Risley
Matthew 7:13-29

In the world, there are many voices telling us that Jesus is just one of many ways to heaven. Jesus could not disagree more with that statement! Jesus says He is the only way to the Father in heaven. All of humanity is under the curse of death but each person is free to choose between the world's way or God's way of salvation. The choice is yours. Will you choose the narrow gate or the wide gate? Will you build your house on the sand or the solid rock?

Judging, Reconciliation and Prayer

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 7:1-12

Still dealing with the self-righteous Pharisees, Jesus continues to teach on how our interpersonal relationships should look. He says that we should avoid the self-righteous judgment of the Pharisees, who's ultimate judgment is coming. In addition, Jesus tells his audience to perceive a humble view of self in light of seeing sin in others lives, as well as learning boundaries within relationships and extending forgiveness to others. Lastly, Jesus gives insight into seeking after God through prayer and that our lifestyle should be characterized by a commitment to others.

Gospel and Apocalypse

Jim Leffel
Mark 13:1-24

In a single teaching, Jesus predicts both the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. and the end of the world. Near the end of human history, the world will get progressively worse as people become distant from God. But in the end, Jesus will return and set things right.