God's Efforts to Reach Us

Mike Sullivan
Revelation 14:6-7

During the Great Tribulation there will be tremendous judgments poured out upon the people of the earth for refusing to repent. But there will also be, at the same time, God going to great lengths to reach people who are far from him. God will send 144,000 bondservants to proclaim the Gospel; he will send two witnesses to Jerusalem for three and a half years to appeal to people to turn back to God; he will even send Jesus to appear in person after the two witnesses are taken up into heaven. And if that wasn't enough, a mighty angel will fly around the world making one final effort to exhort the remaining people to repent and turn to God before time is up.

When God Intervenes

Mike Sullivan
Revelation 8:1-9:21

In Chapters 8 and 9, God is ready to act upon the prayers of the martyrs to unleash judgment on the rebellious world that caused their death. During the Great Tribulation, people will not repent of their evil ways but will reject God's moral leadership, thinking that they will occupy the seat of power instead of God. They are unaware that to not worship God is to worship Satan. They will bear the consequences of that decision to reject God's authority.

The End Times

Ryan Lowery
1 Thessalonians 5:1-10

Here Paul offers an overview of Biblical end times. He lists three events: the Rapture, the Great Tribulation, and Jesus' return. In response, all people are called to a state of readiness, understanding that time is limited. For those who have never come to God, it is a call to start a relationship with God through Jesus--the only provision for their sins before God. For those who have a relationship with God, it is a call to tell others about God's offer of forgiveness, stand against injustice, and ease the sufferings of others, as we await Jesus' return.

What Must Take Place

Mike Sullivan
Revelation 6:1-17

John, the apostle, was given a revelation from Jesus about what must take place before he returns again. In Chapter 6, Jesus is given a scroll with seven seals upon it. Jesus opens six of the seals in order. The first three seals involve false Christs , war and famine being present in the world but this is not the end. This is a period of passive judgment that humans bring upon themselves. Seals four and five indicate intensification of the previous signs and widespread martyrdom. This will be closer to the end, but still not the end. Breaking seal number six ushers in the The Great Day of Wrath. This occurs during the Great Tribulation when God brings upon sinful humanity his righteous judgment.

Matters of Conscience

Jim Leffel
Romans 14:1-22

Paul addresses the issue of conflict in conscience in the early Roman churches. Just as Rome was a city overflowing with diversity of ethnicities, religions, and thought, so too within the the young church was the same cultural diversity. This resulted in clashing convictions of conscience. Because there was agreement over essential points of doctrine, Paul calls his audience to not engage in conflict over these grey areas of differences but instead, preserve relationships and conscience.\r\n\r\nHe tells them to accept the person but not necessarily agree with them, that we are accountable to God for our choices, so don't judge other's choices. Don't put obstacles in the way of a brother. Pursue peace by focusing on what people really need. And finally, be a person of conviction.

Who Is Worthy?

Mike Sullivan
Revelation 5:1-13

The fourth and fifth chapters of Revelation focus on a period of history when God judges sinful humanity. These chapters address the question of who is worthy to judge the whole world. Only a perfectly sinless being could stand in judgment of another being. God is holy and perfect; he has never sinned. He is qualified to judge. \r\nA morally perfect God must judge sin. His perfect justice does not allow sin to go unpunished. So, he sent his perfect, sinless Son to pay the penalty we all deserve.

No Partiality

Ryan Lowery
James 2:1-13

James is teaching to a Jewish Christian audience in the early years after Jesus' ministry when Christianity was only a decade old. The Jews were experiencing a major spiritual paradigm shift. in their previous faith, they tended to view people and treat people based on their success or status. James emphasizes not showing favoritism in the Body of Christ but to treat all people as equally valuable, children of God. God does not look at the outer man but at the heart

Lot: The Impotence of Uncommitted Faith

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Peter 2:7-8

We can learn about having a vital faith by studying its antithesis in the tragic life of Lot. Though a true believer, he was a carnal believer and lived more like a non-believer; but the Lord was compassionate to him. An insightful explanation of the tragedy of and the hope for carnal believers is given. At any point, Lot could have decided to begin living by faith like Abraham and reaped the benefits.

Freedom Without Judgment

Chris Hearty
Romans 15:1-2

Within God's realm of moral truth, we have extraordinary freedom of conscience. Only, we are not free to impose our conscience upon all other Christians. Nor do we have the freedom to judge the weaker conscience of another believer in Christ. Instead, we are to sacrifice our personal freedom in order to serve the weaker person in love.