Jesus in the Old Testament (Part 11)

Gary DeLashmutt
Isaiah 55:1-11

Four passages predict and describe the Messiah's ultimate reign but focus on his prior sufferings as God's Servant. These passages detail centuries in advance the specific suffering he would go through for the very people who were persecuting him. His death was the ultimate payment for humanity's sins and our response to his sacrifice on the cross impacts our lives for eternity. Because of God's great love for us, He makes eternity available through simply turning to Him and accepting His Servant's work on the cross to pay for our sins.\r\n

Principle of Equality

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 8:13-15

Paul's instructions for the Corinthians on being generous was based on the principle of equality. The biblical picture for equality is the basis for universal human rights, reflecting God's personal concern for all people who are lacking in resources. With poverty around the world, there is more of a need to be generous (as Americans) with our vast resources to help those in need. Living in material affluence should motivate us to be generous with God's resources towards others. Addressing these big issues isn't a simple solution, but we should look to long-term strategic development in other areas of the world, where indigenous, self-sustaining solutions present themselves, and where God's message of hope can be at the center of the development work.

Living on a Permanent Visa

Jim Leffel
1 Peter 2:11-25

Peter gives practical instruction to ?resident aliens? on how to live in a society that is fundamentally flawed. He tackles difficult topics such as the Christian's relationship to government and slavery. As Christians we are to live for Christ's reputation rather than our own personal rights, responding to injustice as Jesus did.\r\n

When God Judges

Dennis McCallum
Amos 1:2-8

Amos was a prophet who spoke about God's judgment to the Assyrians. The sins of these people and this judgment is a reminder of how there must be justice from God in order Him to be good. The argument for justice needing to be served is then turned back onto the audience, who has to learn that they are just as sinful. This would hopefully lead to a lack of self-righteousness, an appreciation of grace, an eagerness to share grace, a sensitizing towards sin, and a freedom from vengeance.

The Ten Plagues

Lee Campbell
Exodus 7:2-6

God causes 10 plagues against the Egyptians that directly correlate with the Egyptian gods. Many view the plagues as disturbing due to the judgement on the Egyptians. However, God rescues the oppressed in order to show His character through this situation. Additionally, God persuades the oppressor to show that He alone is God. In the hardship that people face, it might require patient enduring until God finishes His persuading of the oppressor. God will ultimately stop the oppression because He is just.

Destroying Fortresses

Dennis McCallum
John 8:44

Paul explained that Christians are in a spiritual war against Satan and his forces. This isn't a war of swords and spears, but it is a war of truth. We are able to fight away Satan's lies with the Word of truth (the Bible).

Working with At-Risk Youth

Scott Arnold
John 8:44

The Bible commands believers to look after the poor and deprived. An at-risk teen is a youth whose environment or behaviors have a high correlation to substantially negative future life choices. Because of all of the factors that go into bringing a teen to this point, the gospel message we bring needs to be holistic, focusing on trust, relationships, stability, and building hope.

The Final Judgment

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 20:11-15

All people without a relationship with God will stand before His Great White Throne to face judgment for their rebellion. At face value, most people understandably find this event horrifying, but God's righteousness and goodness are actually demonstrated in His willingness to judge evil. God doesn't force Himself on anyone, but rather allows people a choice. If you've chosen to accept Jesus's free gift of forgiveness, you can take comfort in the fact that you are completely safe from this judgment!