8 Essential Attitudes (Part 6)

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 13:10-16

In order to be associated with Christ, Christians must reject the temptation to conform to what the world says is appealing. Instead, we should focus on what God says is important, and actively worship Him by praising Him, ministering to others and sharing with others. This form of worship is pleasing to God, and allows us to stand out in an increasingly conforming world. Christians who do not conform to the world around them are characterized by their thankfulness and how God is at the center of their lives.

8 Essential Attitudes (Part 3)

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 13:5-6

Developing God's perspective on money is of utmost importance to Christians. God desires to free us from anxiety and fear that comes from the love of money, and instead teach us how to draw contentment and security from what He's provided. As God provides more freedom and contentment in this area, Christians are freed up to focus more on His will for our lives, be excited for His purposes, and enter into deep relationships with others. Developing a stewardship mentality over an ownership mentality concerning God's money is crucial for Christians wanting see freedom in this area.

8 Essential Attitudes (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 13:3-4

Christians should remember those who are ill-treated and are undergoing suffering, as they are all a part of the body of Christ. Christians are instructed to honor marriage that is within God's design - a heterosexual, monogamous relationship. This type of relationship is increasingly rare in our society, but glorifies God and should stand distinct in our world. Those who are non-married should develop skills to be effective in marriage, and those within marriage should have a high priority on creating a God-honoring marriage.

The Difficulties of a Life Based on Self

Dennis McCallum
2 Timothy 3:1-3

We're designed to live in union with God. In the last days people will live separately from God and for self. Living for self is a broken path. We try to gratify the demands it lays without any lasting satisfaction. When we put pleasure-seeking at the center, the thing that used to create pleasure doesn't do the job anymore. These are the dynamics of addiction and become a devastating habit that ends up taking us over. God gives us an alternative so that we can have a growing sense of freedom from the enslaving habits that take us over.

The World of Ideas (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 10:3-5

There is a deep spiritual divide in the world concerning what is objectively true. Amidst a whirlwind of ideas, it's important as Christians to stand firm on God's truth as they are opposed by different ideas, beliefs, and convictions that push people farther away from Him. In this spiritual war, our mind plays a crucial role in distinguishing the cultural views of others and how they stand against what God says, as well as distinguishing ways in which we ourselves can fall away from God's truth. Believing and living out of God's revealed Word produces real freedom to stand on in a world full of ideas that go against what He says. This teaching includes a clip from the movie Amistad.

Why this waste?

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 26:6-13

Mary's sacrifice of her expensive perfume at the expense of Jesus infuriates Jesus' disciples. Jesus highlights Mary's sacrifice isn't a waste, as they might think, but will be richly rewarded before God and remembered. The contrast between the disciples' and Jesus' viewpoint highlights the difference when we think about the temporary things to indulge rather than living for the eternal impacts that come from pursuing what God desires. Mary's faith and eternal perspective made her sacrifice not a sacrifice at all because of who she was looking to serve. This teaching also includes a testimony of a man in a law firm that realized God's eternal impact and how to live for that rather than temporary things.

The "Olivet Discourse"

Dennis McCallum
Mark 13:1-37

During this discourse, Jesus reveals portions of what will happen at the end of human history. At the end of the church age, there will be a great period of tribulation like nothing that has been seen before. Incredible technology, increased populations, and moral anarchy will characterize this time that Jesus predicted. With these in mind, there is an urgency for Christians to fulfill God's work before this time, an increased need for healthy Christian community, and a need for alertness to watch for these signs of the end of human history.

Occult Confrontation

Dennis McCallum
Mark 5:1-20

Jesus' interaction with the Gerasene demoniac gives us insight into how to confront matters of the occult. Occult worship is empowered by Satan and can lead to incredibly harmful results for people who don't know Jesus, including possession and spiritual oppression. From Jesus' account, we see some characteristics of demon possession, including: 1) extraordinary strength; 2) paroxysms; 3) spiritual resistance; 4) self-destructive tendencies; and 5) tongues and voices. Jesus has ultimate authority, including over the demonic forces controlling people. Those involved in occult practice should denounce it under Christ's authority and turn towards Christ for real security from evil forces.

Kingdom Parables

Dennis McCallum
Mark 4:26-33

Jesus uses parables to describes new dimensions of God's purposes and plans. Contrary to what the people were expecting, the growth of the Kingdom of God will be gradual and will, over time, become large in scope. God's kingdom will infiltrate the current world system and will be purchased by Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. Our role in God's kingdom is cultivate and seek to grow the kingdom, to appreciate the great work of God's kingdom, and remember that God's power is the source of all the growth.