Resident Aliens

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 11:8-10

Peter writes this letter primarily to Jews who responded to his message in Jerusalem on Pentecost and later migrated back to their home countries in mostly modern-day Turkey. He addresses them as "resident aliens" and many are experiencing persecution and rejection from their families and communities. Peter writes this letter to give very practical instruction on how to live victoriously for Christ amid suffering.\r\n

The Simplicity in Christ

Dennis McCallum
Galatians 5:6

Paul explained that the message of Christianity is quite simple. Jesus died on the cross for our sins and all we have to do is accept God's free gift of forgiveness through Jesus in order to start a relationship with God and go to heaven. There is no reason to add any unnecessary barriers to this message.

Background and Lessons

Dennis McCallum
2 Corinthians 9:1-2

Paul was willing to share his faith in a culture that was full of immorality and greed. He knew God's message could speak to a people that was at the end of themselves. Paul wanted to win people to the Lord in this culture without giving way to the world system.

Working with At-Risk Youth

Scott Arnold
2 Corinthians 9:1-2

The Bible commands believers to look after the poor and deprived. An at-risk teen is a youth whose environment or behaviors have a high correlation to substantially negative future life choices. Because of all of the factors that go into bringing a teen to this point, the gospel message we bring needs to be holistic, focusing on trust, relationships, stability, and building hope.

There's Still Room at the Dinner Party

Jim Leffel
Luke 14:16-24

The mission God has given His people is to go out and spread His message. Studies have shown that the American church is not growing, but possibly just moving members around from one church to another. However, God says there is plenty of room for more people, just like in the parable of the wedding banquet! So what is the problem? Find out what Jim Leffel has to say could be holding people back from God and what we can do about it.\r\n


Jim Leffel
1 Corinthians 5:9-10

God calls His followers to be different than than the rest of the world. What does this look like? Paul says the first step is to worship God with our whole lives, then let Him change us from the inside out. God wants to change our minds and the way we think. This will result in changes in the way we act. However, he warns us that we have to make a choice: either we can live for the world system or we can live for God.\r\n

Avoiding Capture

Dennis McCallum
Colossians 1:27-28

What is the standard for right and wrong in this world? What happens when the church is captured by the culture surrounding it? Does right and wrong change at that point? Paul warns the church in Colossae to watch out and make sure they are not taken captive by deceptive philosophy from the culture. This applies to modern believers as well. It is the key to maturity and yet the church has a vast history of buying into deceptive philosophy.\r\n

Understanding Our Freedom (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
Luke 19:1-7

Living lives of active love produces radical freedom in the lives of Christians. As a result, we are freed to identify with all kinds of people. Christian freedom is moving toward culture as much as possible within the moral limits of scripture. We should learn to: be excited to be in our culture while standing out on moral principles for God, be hospitable, and show love towards others.

Lifestyle Evangelism

John Rue
Connie Rue
Matthew 28:18-20

Jesus told believers to go and tell other people about him and the relationship God wants to have with them. One way the early church fulfilled this command was by the way they lived their lives, Day to day, they lived in a way that made others interested in God. It was effective and we are called to do the same. By the way we live our lives, we are either confirming the truthfulness of God or denying it. Find out what lifestyle evangelism looks like, why it works, and practical ideas on how we can incorporate it.\r\n