Walk as Light

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 5:3-14

God has rescued humans through Christ's death. Once we have a relationship with Him, He calls us to live our lives by walking in light as a demonstration to those in darkness. This looks like demonstrating the gospel in our daily lives and witnessing by contrast, not judgment. The text recognizes the struggle involved in trying to live this way.

Being Renewed

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 4:17-24

Ephesians emphasizes that lifestyle flows out of identity. The gentiles are described to have a darkened understanding, leading to a chaotic lifestyle. The prescription is a renewed understanding of the human condition, their culpable ignorance (which causes deep conflict and eventual callousness within), sensuality, and greed. All of these are ingrained habits that believers need the Spirit to transform. This new awareness leads believers to value a different way of living.

The Whore of Babylon

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 18

This prophecy introduces us to another evil character in the End Times, the "Whore of Babylon", that is used to describe the judgment that God will carry out on the earth. She embodies the spiritual adultery of Israel and the apostate Church's worship of idols as history comes to a close. Also described as "Babylon the Great", she represents fallen humanity's determination to construct a society without a need for God by accumulating material wealth, comforts, and technology. Don't be deceived by the appeal of Babylon; turn to Jesus Christ, who is the source of true fulfillment!

The Course of This World

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 2:1-9

The world we live in is fallen, a distorted version of what God originally intended. People are held in bondage, evil reigns, but God offers total help for our total need. We can come to Him in faith, turning from bondage to freedom!

In the World, But Not Of the World

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 9:19

Jesus knows that his departure is close at hand. In light of this, he prays to the Father, acknowledging that his disciples are not of the "kosmos" or system of the world, though they will be witnesses to the world. Other sections of scripture, 1 John 2:15 and 1 Corinthians 9:19 provide practical content on areas in which Christians should adopt the practices of the world/culture, and areas in which Christians should be different from the world and culture.

In the World, But Not Of the World

Dennis McCallum
John 17

Jesus knows that his departure is close at hand. In light of this, he prays to the Father, acknowledging that his disciples are not of the "kosmos" or system of the world, though they will be witnesses to the world. Other sections of scripture, 1 John 2:15 and 1 Corinthians 9:19 provide practical content on areas in which Christians should adopt the practices of the world/culture, and areas in which Christians should be different from the world and culture.

The Cross of Christ

Jim Leffel
Galatians 6:11-16

The central message through Paul's letter to the Galatians has been the cross of Christ. As Christians, our boasting should come from the incredible work of Jesus Christ at the cross which gives us a new lens of viewing the present world. As a result of our new identity in Christ, we are able to live in this world with peace, as we understand God's grace and mercy towards us and await our real home in eternity with Him.

The Bread of Life

Dennis McCallum
John 6

Moses provided the Israelites with bread that came from heaven and in this passage, Jesus explains that God is now providing them with the Bread of Life through Jesus himself. We have an option in this life to try to fill ourselves with temporary things or be fulfilled by a relationship with God through Jesus' death. Peter believed and experienced the fulfillment of a personal relationship with God through Jesus; so much so that he saw no alternative to the life of service he was living alongside Jesus.

The Effect of Living On

Dennis McCallum
Philippians 1:21-27

Paul calls believers to be others focused and to strive for unity in the Body of Christ. The world system preaches a message of self interest because they see this life as all we have. As believers who know that there is an afterlife we are called to spend this life serving and loving others which is truly beneficial for us.