The Rich Fool

Dennis McCallum
Luke 12:13-21

Jesus' interaction with the rich fool highlights the perils of materialism. Those entranced by wealth are oblivious to what God says about how to use His resources and look to selfishly accumulate more and more for themselves. Often, those who seek after wealth and riches encounter worry and anxiety, as they are unable to fully control everything they are trying to keep hold of. God's way includes trusting Him to meet our needs, and acting as stewards with His resources to accomplish His purposes. This type of lifestyle leads to real fulfillment in a way that riches and wealth is incapable of.

Praying Against Satan

Dennis McCallum
Luke 11

Jesus' time of prayer communicates how Christians can utilize prayer in spiritual warfare. Satan is looking to prevent people from knowing Christ personally and prayer is our main weapon to combat his schemes. As we attack Satan's kingdom and try and help people understand their need for Christ, we need to be sober and alert to Satan's counterattacks. Understanding God's Word is essential to combat Satan's tactics through prayer, both individual and corporately.

Can There Be Only One Way to God?

Gary DeLashmutt
John 14:6

Religious relativism is a self defeating view, the idea that there is no objective truth is an objective truth claim. The religions and beliefs of this world are diverse and contradictory. We should search for truth through our experience of the world around us and based on what we can know.

Right and Wrong Boasting

Gary DeLashmutt
Isaiah 64:6

Paul writes to the Corinthian Christians to instruct them on right and wrong boasting. There are some things about which God says boasting is forbidden. But there are other things about which it is good and important to boast. It's okay to boast as long as you "boast in the Lord". Have you forsaken all boasting in your own works, and personally put your trust only in Christ's work for you?

Effective Ambassadors

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 2:5

Paul refers to the Christian's role in evangelism as being an ambassador for Christ. This is an important opportunity for Christians to be grown by God as we actively follow God into the role He has for us. Sometimes we try to plan for all the possibilities that can arise: I don't want to offend anyone; what if I say the wrong thing; or what if they reject Gods' message? It isn't possible to never give offense, because His message offends people who are too proud to admit their need for grace. God wants us to expose the emptiness of life in the world so that people are attracted to the positive lifestyle available to them through Christ.

The Power of Christ Revealed in Action

Dennis McCallum
1 John 1:8-9

There is a spiritual war in our world between God and His angels, and Satan and his demons. Satan and his demons try to deceive and distract the people of this world, but God is the ultimate spiritual authority in the universe and is greater than his opponent. Jesus had the power to forgive sins, and he demonstrated his spiritual authority as God to the watching world.

Are Miracles Real?

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 11:28-30

Jesus performed many miracles in his day, often he would heal the sick. Many people doubt the reality of the supernatural, but if you believe that God created the laws of nature then wouldn't He have authority over nature? God has revealed His truth and power through the Bible.

Sermon on the Mount (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 6:1-6

Jesus calls Christians to be the salt of the Earth, he wants us to share God's message through our lives and how we interact in our world. Many Christians today look to protect themselves from the evils of the world. God calls us to share His message to the watching world, and not box ourselves in to protect ourselves from sinful people.

The Birth of Christ (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
John 1:12

Three wise men came to Bethlehem to look for a newborn king because they saw a star in the night sky. These men stepped out in faith to seek God through God's revelation to them. Herrod on the other hand sought to kill the newborn king because he wanted to be the king of Israel and he wanted to stop God's plan. God is sovereign and His plan will come to fruition.