Freedom And Conscience

Jim Leffel
1 Corinthians 6:12

One aspect of God's purpose in reconciling people to Himself is to create a community to show the world what He is like. One way believers in Christ can show God's love to others is to gain biblical knowledge tempered with discerning love when interacting with other people. Under grace, believers have God-given freedom with a clear conscience, but in this passage are encouraged to use this freedom to love and serve others instead of self.

Jesus' Authority

Scott Risley
Matthew 8:1-17

Matthew's account of Jesus' first three miracles focused on outcasts. He healed a leper, a gentile servant girl and a woman, Peter's mother-in-law. These miracles authenticated him and His authority. They demonstrated his power is expressed in love.

The Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 1:5-6

Jesus tells a parable of a mustard seed and the yeast. The parable describes a small growth that eventually becomes large and widespread, something that fits in with the small, yet widespread growth in Christianity over the years. Today, Christians have the immense privilege in participating in God's work that is spreading throughout the world as we: pray for the nations to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, give our financial resources to God's work, and even go ourselves to spread the message of the gospel. As Christians comprehend the love of Jesus, we can become more and more motivated to love those who do not know Jesus and to get engaged with God's global plan.

Judging, Reconciliation and Prayer

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 7:1-12

Still dealing with the self-righteous Pharisees, Jesus continues to teach on how our interpersonal relationships should look. He says that we should avoid the self-righteous judgment of the Pharisees, who's ultimate judgment is coming. In addition, Jesus tells his audience to perceive a humble view of self in light of seeing sin in others lives, as well as learning boundaries within relationships and extending forgiveness to others. Lastly, Jesus gives insight into seeking after God through prayer and that our lifestyle should be characterized by a commitment to others.

The Discipling Church

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 5:13-14

Scripture makes it clear that God's desire is to see every member of His church grow into maturity. This can be accomplished through successful discipleship relationships. To be a strong disciple-maker a large focus should be on character qualities and a focus on the inner life. God's Word is crucial for this to occur. It is in God's Word where we can motivate others towards God's goals with true conviction. In the Word lies the power for true character change.

Should I Not Love this City? - God's Community Adorning the Gospel

John Cleary
Titus 2:9-10

We are called to go out from our circle of Christian friends into the cities around us, full of people who need to know God. Far too often, we fail to follow Jesus' example and his pursuit of people who are different from us. Because of this, our gifts are often never fully utilized. As we serve the communities we live in, we can answer the call to let our light shine before men. There are endless open doors for loving people through both word and deeds, something that will refresh us as well as give life to others.

Leading Our Kids to Love God

Joe Botti
2 Timothy 3:14-15

In our culture today, kids are leaving their Christian lives behind in huge numbers as they grow up into adulthood. And it is certainly no easy task to help our children develop a love for the Lord! This workshop first discusses our role in this area and the correlation between our relationship and influence with our kids. Our own modeling of sincere faith and time spent relationally investing in our children are imperative. Next, the class addresses the need to withstand cultural pressures and provides some age specific ideas for how to engage our kids spiritually and relationally. \r\n

Reaching Internationals in Our Cities

Rich Mendola
2 Timothy 3:14-15

Reaching internationals around us is not only a call from God but also strategic for expanding God's kingdom. God calls us to love and be hospitable to strangers, going out of our comfort zone to offer friendship and assist with practical needs. Investing in internationals in our own cities is a wise investment because they can go back to their countries to share God's message with others, saving thousands of dollars for what a missionary would cost. Even internationals that decide to stay in our cities have a large influence with people in their home countries too. This presentation ends with some practical ways we can get involved with and help internationals in our cities.

Incorporating New Christians into Community

John Cleary
Colossians 2:6-7

New Christians need to be incorporated, not into a meeting once or twice a week, but into a rich and thriving community. We have a large role in this task, not just to bring people into the community but also to grow in our own understanding and appreciation of the Gospel. We also must fight to make this incorporation personal and out of love, sacrificing our schedules and comfort zones to go out and serve them. We should be encouraging their own personal growth, in service, and especially in the Word. And finally, we should help them recognize the obstacles that oppose their incorporation into the Body of Christ.