The Backward Wisdom of God (Part One)

Ryan Lowery
James 3:13-4:3

James says one of the qualities of a mature Christian is developing and acting out of wisdom--the ability to properly apply knowledge about God to everyday living. Wisdom produces the ability to live out the good life God intends for people, but often seems counter-intuitive to our common understanding (man's wisdom). If we trust in God's wisdom and not our own natural wisdom we will find peace, relational unity, and more benefits, while James says relying on our own wisdom will yield jealousy, selfish ambition, and other negative results. If we will trust Him, God is always ready to help us grow in His wisdom, even if we've failed in the past.

True Faith vs. Mental Assent

Ryan Lowery
James 2:14-26

James argues that faith without works is a dead faith. Faith and works are not enemies, but they are united. Although we are not saved by works, we do demonstrate the authenticity of our faith by our works. Saving faith is an invisible transaction between God and the receiver of His grace. Works are the visible response to the salvation received. Works demonstrate to a watching word that our faith is genuine and inspires others to learn more about this God we follow.

The Biggest Miracle of Jesus' Life

Scott Risley
Mark 6:30-44

The disciples return from their first ministry trip expecting to get some time away with Jesus. Instead, he performs the biggest miracle of his life - the only one recorded in all four gospels. By feeding the 5000, Jesus teaches his disciples three important lessons about ministry - ones they will never forget as they spend the rest of their lives feeding a hungry world.

Rescued, Rescuer, & Results

Chris Hearty
Mark 4:21-34

In this passage Jesus gives us three parables: The first is the responsibility of the rescued. The second, the responsibility of the Rescuer. Finally, Jesus gives us the results of this cooperation. In these parables Jesus reminds his followers of what we can expect when we cooperate with the Master Sower.

Parable of the Soils

Chris Hearty
Mark 4:1-20

In this parable, Jesus gives a large audience a series of insightful analogies. The problem is, they don't understand, although a small group of Jesus' closest disciples do seek insight from Jesus. They receive not only an explanation of the parable, but deep spiritual insight that yields practical wisdom for us all.

Our Strength

Ben Foust
Ephesians 3:14-4:1

Paul concludes his description of our ?riches in Christ? with an epic prayer that his readers would be strengthened and would comprehend God's boundless love for them. We will explore the relationship between this love and Paul's challenge to ?walk in a manner worthy.?

Responding to the Message

Chris Hearty
James 1:19-27

How do we prepare the soil of our heart to welcome the God's message/ Receive the word of God by paying careful attention in order to truly understand it. Be wise listeners, who are slow to speak and slow to anger. And finally, keeping your attention fixed on the perfect law of liberty, be a purposeful doer of the Word; Put into practice what you know to be true.

The Summit of Abraham's Faith

Mike Sullivan
Genesis 22:1-17

Abraham's faith is tested when God asks him to sacrifice his son Isaac. Abraham obeys, but just before he goes through with it God provides a substitute ram to die in Isaac's place. This event foreshadows that Jesus would be sacrificed as a substitute for us. From Abraham's story we learn that God sometimes tests our faith, often by asking us to give up something we value highly, which can purify and strengthen our faith.

The Apex of Abraham's Faith

Gary DeLashmutt
Genesis 22:1-14

The last study of Abraham's life describing the peak of his faith while on Mount Moriah with Isaac. There are at least three principles of God's dealing with Abraham that apply to us: 1) God will test our faith in Him; 2) God tests in order to bless ? never to harm, and 3) God will work through our obedience to advance His plan to bless others. Remarkable foreshadowing of Jesus' sacrifice two thousand years later at the same place is detailed.