Meeting Up With God

Dennis McCallum
Psalms 86:1-17

Any relationship has two persons involved and involves interaction to some extent. Our relationship with God is one that we may be neglecting because we don't see him face to face, but it is by far the most intimate and complex one because He is our creator and we are made in His image. Some questions we can ask during our time spent talking and learning with God are: who are you talking to?; what is He like?; what has He done for you currently or in the past?; and what the answers mean for your life.

The Good Shepherd

Dennis McCallum
John 10:11

God provides for those He calls His own. And He demonstrates this in the image of the good shepherd. We all have choices about whether to lean on Gods leadership or to rebel in autonomy. God as our creator: knows our needs, wants to provide for us, and performs needed correction in the lives of people who follow Him even if it goes unnoticed.

True Wealth

Jim Leffel
1 Timothy 6:17-19

Most Christians think about wealth in a very secular way, and let it choke out their passion for Christ. Adopting materialistic values from culture is very dangerous for a believer. Instead of this, Christians are to foster contentment and a habit of generosity.

When Yahweh is Your Shepherd

Scott Risley
John 10:11

David the psalmist compares God to a shepherd, who sacrifices His own life to care for and meet all the needs of His flock of sheep (us). In times of prosperity and in times of adversity, God desires to bless our lives with all we need and more. In order to experience His blessings, we must choose to be led by Him.

The Impact of Grace

Scott Risley
Colossians 3:9-11

Slavery and its interaction with Christianity has always been a contentious topic, and yet it is clear from the Bible that God is anti-slavery and that Christianity's principles directly contributed to the demise of slavery worldwide. The book of Philemon provides an intimate glimpse into an escaped first century slave's dilemma and Paul's response to the slave's Christian master, and through Paul's appeal we see God's power to reconcile diverse people.

A Life Changed By God (Part 2)

Ryan Lowery
Colossians 3:14-16

The apostle Paul continues to discuss doing arising out of being: it is our new identity as Christians that allows us to be used by God to change the world. Paul describes more ways that God wants to grow us to love others better. God wants us to experience the peace of Christ, and He wants us to learn to dwell in His Word.

The Paradox of Fulfillment (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
Matthew 5:1-12

How is God nudging you? We will learn about the Beatitudes from Jesus, and learn about the attitudes that can move us forward in God's Will or hinder us if we fail to understand them. Beatitudes include: gentleness, righteous hunger, mercy, purity of heart, peacemakers, and persecution.


Dennis McCallum
John 15:12-16:33

Jesus continues trying to teach his disciples in the Upper Room before he goes to the Cross. From this section, the following are Jesus' main takeaways for his disciples: 1) the world is passing away; 2) the perspective of the Kosmos is skewed; 3) as followers of Jesus, the values we have are at tension with the world's values, and we should expect opposition because of it; and 4) trust the Holy Spirit to reveal more about Jesus, for the inspiration of God's Word, to guide and illuminate us and and to impart joy and peace that comes from God.

Features of a Transformed Community (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
1 Thessalonians 5:12-13

An important part of a spiritual community is the leadership appointed by God. Spiritual leadership means leading as a servant, being directive, and remaining centered on truth. All believers should desire the maturity and the blessings that come with spiritual leadership. The whole church is called to follow leaders by responding to them, recognizing the importance of their office, and seeking peace over needless rebellion.