The Help of the Holy Spirit

Gary DeLashmutt
Ephesians 1:13

Jesus teaches that the Christian life is the Spirit-filled life. Through the power of the Holy Spirit we are able to love others as only Jesus can. We have not been left orphaned here, but can be secure in God's love through the promise and seal of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit helps us in personal tutoring of God. Without the Holy Spirit the things of God would be foolishness to us.

The Us vs. Them Mentality

Ryan Lowery
John 4:20-24

The Bible promotes a peaceable and loving attitude towards others, instead of an us vs. them mentality. After the transfiguration, Jesus says that we should be at peace within Christian community instead of competing for dominance. He also teaches that we should be at peace with different Christian communities instead of writing off their good work. Finally, we are to be peaceable towards non-Christians without giving up our stance on truth.

Spiritual Insurgency

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 2:9-24

Peter explains to believers, that by God's mercy, we are able to display His excellencies by our good deeds. Believers, who live in a world with developed thoughts and values that come from God's enemy, we should be eager to do good. As those who look forward Heaven, God is calling his followers to represent Him to the rest of the world in order to rescue people out of bondage from the world system. Includes reading from Andrew Murray's book, Working For God.

Spiritual Confidence

Jess Lowery
1 Peter 2:9-24

Confidence can sway in two opposites: arrogance or a low and guilty view of self. The Biblical picture of confidence is rooted in knowing one's identity in Christ. The Gospel permits a steady assurance of God's truth to lead Christians' lives.

Exchanging the Old Self for the New Self (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Romans 12:18

Once we enter into a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ we are given a new identity, but just because we have a new identity does not mean we live in that new identity. The apostle Paul says to put on the new self or to believe what God has already made true. The difference between how interpersonal relationships of the new and old self are compared. Ultimately, living in our new identity allows us to live at peace with others.

Peace on Earth

Scott Risley
Ephesians 2:11-22

Paul explains that Jews and Gentiles can have peace with God and peace with one another because of Jesus' death on the cross. There once were many barriers between Jews and Gentiles but since Jesus' death those barriers have been removed. All people in God's family are equal. There are many positive implications of this unity that impact daily life.\r\n

Jesus' Victorious Authority

Gary DeLashmutt
John 16:33

The normal Christian life is a life of difficulties and supernatural provisions. One supernatural provision is Jesus' victorious authority. Jesus has won the right to ultimately rule the world by dying for the sins of humanity. He has also won the authority to advance his mission through us. This results in peace and courage in the midst of tribulation for those who trust and follow him.

Life Lessons From a Dying Guy

Beth Chilcoat
Bev DeLashmutt
John 17:17

David Chilcoat, a devoted Christian and the founder of the Columbus Young Life branch, experienced intense suffering as his body decayed slowly due to ALS, a devastating disease. After his diagnosis, he began journaling about his experience, and these entries are what his wife, Beth, and Bev DeLashmutt share in order to illustrate his faithfulness during such an intense trial. Through David's journal, we see an active example of enacting three important steps amidst suffering: asking, affirming, and waiting. As we explore and act on these three principles, we can begin to respond to suffering in a way that allows us to persevere through it instead of crumbling under it.

Spiritually Divided Marriage

Jim Leffel
1 Corinthians 7:12-16

The Bible says husbands and wives are united in one purpose and should nurture one another spiritually. What does the Bible have to say about a marriage when one spouse is a Christian and the other is not? Paul gives three principles for a spouse in this situation: 1) have influence over the other person by bringing God into the marriage and home; 2) bring peace into the relationship because God calls on us to be peacemakers; and 3) show your spouse who God is and the relationship He wants with them.\r\n