Filled to Overflowing

Jim Leffel
Romans 15:13

God wants to fill us so completely that we overflow with peace and joy in abundance. Just like Paul's Roman audience, modern Christians live stress-filled lives that leave us too often feeling depleted, running on empty. The answer to feeling empty is to thirst for God. As you trust in him, he will fill you to overflowing with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Matters of Conscience

Jim Leffel
Romans 14:1-22

Paul addresses the issue of conflict in conscience in the early Roman churches. Just as Rome was a city overflowing with diversity of ethnicities, religions, and thought, so too within the the young church was the same cultural diversity. This resulted in clashing convictions of conscience. Because there was agreement over essential points of doctrine, Paul calls his audience to not engage in conflict over these grey areas of differences but instead, preserve relationships and conscience.\r\n\r\nHe tells them to accept the person but not necessarily agree with them, that we are accountable to God for our choices, so don't judge other's choices. Don't put obstacles in the way of a brother. Pursue peace by focusing on what people really need. And finally, be a person of conviction.

Death and the Eternal Perspective

Ryan Lowery
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Death is something people often don't want to think about, and regard it as the worst thing that can happen to you. But God's perspective is different, and He gives us the chance to have peace about our death if we accept His offer of a relationship. From this peace can flow purpose in this life, a freedom to give of ourselves, and hope that a better life is coming in heaven.

The Full Armor of God (Part 1)

Gary DeLashmutt
Ephesians 6:11-15

The apostle Paul was chained to Roman soldiers when he wrote this letter. He uses their armor to illustrate God's resources for our battle with supernatural evil. This time we discuss the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth and the shoes of peace.

Spiritual Wealth in a Time of Financial Volatility

Gary DeLashmutt
Ephesians 1:1-14

Even as our economy is rocked by the coronavirus crisis, God is offering us a spiritual wealth that is totally secure and far more precious than money. What are some features of this spiritual wealth? Why is it so important, especially in a time of crisis? How can we lay hold of it? Join us as we explore the apostle Paul's answers to these questions.

From Tragedy to Triumph

Jim Leffel
Luke 1:1-4

This teaching gives an overview of the first eight chapters of Romans, which encapsulates the primary message of the entire Bible--that God has provided a Messiah to bring peace between God and man, turning tragedy into triumph. Paul gives this perspective to help Christians stand strong and established in the strength, love, and direction that God provides through Jesus. Paul says Christians can have confidence in this message because of the testimony of prophesy, the resurrection, and the historical record of Jesus' crucifixion.

Finding Peace:The Secret of Contentment

Chris Hearty
Proverbs 30:8

Contentment is Dynamic, Developed and Divine. Paul spoke of contentment that was not based on circumstances but on something real and solid: God's strength working through him. The good life we all long for begins not when circumstances change but when our attitude toward them changes. The ability to be grateful for what we already have, in spite of our circumstances, is the secret to contentment.

Finding Peace: Hope and Healing for Mental Health

James Rochford
Proverbs 30:8

Research shows that 60% of our happiness depends on genetics and, to a lesser extent, circumstances. This means that our actions account for 40% of our happiness. We can improve our happiness through exercise, recognizing and avoiding cognitive distortions, and finding transcendent meaning. The Bible teaches that we can find truth and meaning in a relationship with Jesus Christ, who came that we might have abundant life.

Finding Peace: The Science of Happiness, Part 2

Scott Risley
Proverbs 30:8

Research on happiness suggests that social connection is a major factor on happiness levels. While many people mistakenly think being left alone will make them happier, studies confirm the Bible's teaching that God created people for relationships with Him and with each other. Jesus offers a full and abundant life, but He won't force it on us; instead he offers us first a relationship with Him followed by His guidance down the path of fulfillment.