End Times Prophecy

Ryan Lowery
Luke 21:5-36

During the Olivet Discourse, Jesus explains a number of eschatological details concerning both the destruction of the temple and his kingdom. He explains that before his return, there will be many false predictions about him during a long period of tumultuous events. He also explains that his followers will be persecuted in the 1st century and the temple will be destroyed. He urges his listeners to persevere in the face of these events. If we can trust the Bible on these issues, we should trust it concerning other areas of God's Will.

Four Witnesses to Jesus' Authority

Scott Risley
Nehemiah 2:1-8

Scripture and secular historians confirm Jesus is the Christ, the son of God. Four witnesses to Jesus' identity include: 1) John the Baptist; 2) Jesus' works; 3) God's inner voice; and 4) Scripture. A prophecy from Daniel 9 also points to the validity of Jesus' claims. The evidence provided for the dates and events described in the prophecies are undeniable.

Four Witnesses Testify About Jesus

Conrad Hilario
Nehemiah 2:1-8

Jesus claims we can have eternal life through Him. He calls on four witnesses to testify about the truthfulness of this claim: 1) John the Baptist, 2) miraculous works, 3) the Holy Spirit, and 4) Old Testament scriptures. The prophecy in Daniel 9 is discussed as an example of the Old Testament validating Jesus as the promised Messiah.

4 Witnesses to Christ's Authenticity

Dennis McCallum
Nehemiah 2:1-8

Jesus demonstrates four witnesses that authenticated his authority to his Jewish audience: 1) John the Baptist; 2) the miracles and works God had given Jesus the power to perform amidst the people; 3) inner witness of the Holy Spirit; and 4) the Scriptures that predicted Jesus. Jesus proves here that he has authority given to him by God the Father and we as Christians today should listen to him because of his authority.

The Triumphal Entry

Ryan Lowery
Zechariah 9:9-10

Though Jesus is the promised Messiah, he rides into Jerusalem humbly on a donkey. God is trying to say both that He is not like us, and also that peace and love are spread by a show of restraint and humility, not by power. Jesus came not to conquer Rome, but to pay the penalty of sin on the cross. We should seek to understand this incredible victory as we prepare our friends and family for his next coming.

The Crucifixion as Fulfillment

Jeff Gordon
John 19:16-42

Jesus came the first time to die for the sins of humanity, but this was not the end. Jesus is going to come back, and if this is true, it has consequential implications and is worth considering. God not only sent His son Jesus to die on the cross, but He also predicted this in many ways throughout all of Scripture. Jesus' death paid the ultimate price for the ultimate gift that God wanted to give: a relationship with Him. This plan that He put in place provides substantial evidence for the validity of the gift of salvation.

Jesus' Crucifixion

Gary DeLashmutt
John 19:16-42

John focuses on the prophecy that was fulfilled through Jesus' crucifixion and the emotional suffering he endured. In addition to the physical pain of crucifixion detailed in Psalm 22, Jesus endured the pain of being separated from his Father so he could pay for the sins of all humanity. Jesus' purpose as the Son of God was woven throughout history and John highlights the consistency of God's plan.

The End of the World

Scott Risley
2 Peter 3:1-18

Peter discusses the last days when Jesus will return and there will be a final judgment. Reasons to believe Jesus will return are: 1) It was predicted by prophets and is significantly emphasized in the New Testament 2) Our world is not just as it was; it is changing to match the predictions laid out in Scripture 3) God has judged the world before, e.g., Noah and the Flood. God is waiting for this to happen so more people will turn to Him.

Where is the Promise of His Coming?

Dennis McCallum
2 Peter 3:1-18

Peter tells us to be on our guard as he speaks of the End Times. True prophecy must be 1) clear, 2) unusual, 3) known to have been made before it was fulfilled, 4) not an educated guess, and 5) cannot be staged or manipulated. Many end times prophecies fit these criteria, and therefore we should pay close attention.