Babylon the Great

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 18:1-23

In one of John's visions of the great tribulation, he sees a woman with the title "Babylon the Great," which signifies the way that this spirit of deception works politically and economically. This manifests in three ways: 1) It is the ultimate expression of human empires that defy God's rulership; 2) its materialism corrupts every political and economic system; and 3) it seduces individuals by turning good things into idols that distract and enslave. All of us live under the influence of this entity, and Jesus alone is able to break the "spell" and reconcile people with God.

The Mother of Harlots

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 17:1-6

One of John's visions concerns a woman with the title "Mother of Harlots," which describes the religious activities of this entity. Ultimately, the Mother of Harlots is the source of spiritual adultery within God's people. In the Old Testament this took the form of idolatry disguised by external formal worship of God, and in the present day this is a counterfeit and false form of Christianity. Those who feel aversive to Christianity may feel this way because of their exposure to false Christianity, and so the church has an obligation to fight spiritual deception through committed truth-based relationships.

The Beast

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 13:1-18

Though Christ is the future rightful ruler over the world, in the end times there will be a Satanic counterfeit of Jesus' global reign. This world-ruler, named the beast, will be called forth and energized by Satan as he blasphemes the God of the Bible and persecutes those who refuse to worship him. The false prophet will validate the beast through counterfeit miracles and compel people to worship him before their utter destruction when Jesus returns. Christians are not to respond with unfounded skepticism, foolish speculation, or unhealthy fear to these future events.

The Beginning of the End

Scott Risley
Revelation 1:1-20

We are introduced to Revelation; a book giving us a glimpse into Jesus' future return as king on earth. John describes symbolic visions he received from God about the end times. During this time, many scary things will happen, including a final judgement. But in the end, God wins and if you belong to God through Christ, you have no need to be afraid.

Jesus Speaks

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 1:1-19

A revelation from Christ appears to John, which he records in this letter. John emphasizes the importance of listening to the message God presents here because the time of Christ's return will be sudden. He directs the letter to the seven churches in Asia. The significance of the number seven, the mourning of all people in light of Christ's sacrifice, and John's conviction to write this letter are explored. Several ways to interpret Revelation (preterist, historical, futurist, idealist, and blended) are critiqued, followed by John's description of an intense vision of Christ.

The War Behind the War

Mike Sullivan
Revelation 12:1-17

In the book of Revelation, there is a massive war described. Really, this was is a culmination of the spiritual war that exists right now between Satan's lies and God's truth. Our role in this is to embrace the fact that there is a spiritual war and to learn how to respond to Satan's schemes as he seeks to accuse, deceive, and devour.

The Great Tribulation

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 15:5-16:21

During the period of The Great Tribulation, God is involved in an extraordinary way to both judge and redeem. God judges directly to rescue his creation by destroying hardened enemies, yet often also judges indirectly to demonstrate the folly of rebellion in hopes that some will turn back. During the time of The Great Tribulation, God judges directly while taking a multitude of actions to plead with people to turn back to Him.

Why Does God Have the Right to Rule?

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 4:1-5:14

In John's vision of the throneroom of God, three reasons are given for God's right to rule: 1) God is the only morally perfect Ruler; 2) God is the Creator who owns and cares for His creation; and 3) because Jesus has already paid the ultimate price to save humanity.


Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 1:1-20

The book of Revelation is primarily a record of visions from God that reveal who Jesus is and what will take place in the future. From John's vision of Christ, it is clear that Jesus is both the Savior who serves us and the King whom we are to serve. The essence of Christianity is an encounter with and surrender to this Jesus who is Savior and King.