Considered Philosophically and Prophetically

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 12:9-13

Are we becoming so politically correct that we can't call an evil act exactly what it is? Will holding to objective truths lead to violence? We see that when put to the test our post-modern consensus fails the test of reality. We look into what real truth is and what true prophesying, such as comparing the foretelling of the regathering of Israel against vague works like Nostradamus.

The Non-Negotiables

Dennis McCallum
Romans 6:4

Paul emphasized the importance of the Gospel message to the Corinthians, that Jesus died for our sins and was resurrected which demonstrates that he was God and had paid for sin. All we have to do to be made righteous in God's eyes is to accept Jesus' death and resurrection as a payment for our own sins. Nothing should be added or removed from the Gospel that Paul preached.

Loving Others with our Gifts

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 10:24-25

The spiritual gifts that God has given us are meant to be used for the edification of the church. God has given some the gift of tongues which is personally edifying, and only edifying for the church when there is an interpreter. God still works powerfully in our world today, but He doesn't work miracles to help people in a quest for self promotion, His power is given to edify and embolden the Body of Christ.

The Body of Christ (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Romans 12:7-8

The Body of Christ has been given a number of spiritual gifts to edify and serve the people in the church and around the world. God's given people gifts of service, understanding God's Truth, and through prayer. When we serve and love people, we live out God's mission for our lives.

Keeping it Together in a World Falling Apart (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 4:12

Towards the end of human history, humanity will turn towards selfishness and a growing coldness towards other people. This trend will produce religion that is centered around meeting people's felt needs rather than the truth, but unfortunately this type of religion will not relieve the legitimate guilt that people feel or meet people's true relational needs. Authentic Christianity, however, features direct revelation from God through the Bible, and this revelation is both powerful and accessible. All Christians are capable of learning the truths of the Bible and becoming convinced of its validity and usefulness through personal interaction with God and study. A video testimony from Kyle Hanser is included.

The Great Tribulation (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Mark 13

Three New Testament chapters combine to give a more full picture of Jesus' description of the end times. Humanity as a race cannot fix itself and needs rescued, and God intends to do that.

The Great Tribulation (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Luke 21:5-24

Jesus, talking with his disciples, describes what will come in the end times. How can we know that his predictions hold weight? We can look towards prophesy that has already been fulfilled.

Christ's Prophetic Entrance into Jerusalem

Dennis McCallum
Daniel 9

Christ's entrance into Jerusalem, moving closer toward his death, is another fulfilled prophecy. This particular prophecy helps identify Jesus Christ as the Messiah. Additionally, Daniel 9 is an incredible prophecy than verifies Christ as Messiah by the astounding accuracy of it's prediction. A careful study of the prophecy and it's calculations lead to a precise prediction of when Jesus would die on the cross.

On the Mountaintop

Dennis McCallum
Luke 9:27-35

Peter, James and John witness Jesus's transfiguration into His heavenly, glorious form on the mountain. Moses and Elijah appear with Jesus, demonstrating that the Law and Prophets bear witness to Jesus though predictive prophecy and typology. Peter didn't want this amazing experience to end, but experiences aren't everything in the Christian life. Patrice McCormac gives her testimony.