Really Great News!

James Rochford
Romans 1:1-17

The Book of Romans is considered by many to be the clearest and most thorough explanation of the Gospel in scripture. This letter makes clear that salvation is by faith alone and, as Paul writes in chapter one, demonstrates that the Gospel "is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes." We can be confident that the Gospel is true and Jesus really is the Son of God by examining the fulfilled prophecies of the Old Testament that point to Christ.

The Bible and Prophecy

Jim Leffel
Romans 1:1-17

At first glance, Jesus' claims about himself are audacious, claiming to be able to forgive sins, raise from the dead, and be the only true path to God. But his claims are backed up by the unique, specific prophecies that predated his arrival on earth that he fulfilled. Through these prophecies and their fulfillment in Jesus, we see God is not silent and is, in fact, pursuing us to have a relationship.

Predictive Prophecy

Ben Foust
Romans 1:1-17

Uniquely among religious texts, the Bible uses predictive prophecy to self-authenticate its message as the Word of God. In contrast to many so-called prophecies of our day, the Bible provides clear, specific, and verifiable predictions of future events hundreds of years before they came to pass. This evidence gives us confidence that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and that its claims are trustworthy.

Predictive Prophecy

Mike Sullivan
Romans 1:1-17

Uniquely among religious texts, the Bible self-authenticates itself as the word of God through predictive prophecy. These prophecies, written hundreds of years before the events they foretell, are clear and verifiable, giving us confidence that the Bible is trustworthy and inviting us to examine its claims of salvation through Jesus Christ.

Predictive Prophecy

Ryan Lowery
Romans 1:1-17

Uniquely among religious texts, the Bible uses predictive prophecy to self-authenticate its message as the Word of God. In contrast to many so-called prophecies of our day, the Bible provides clear, specific, and verifiable predictions of future events hundreds of years before they came to pass. This evidence gives us confidence that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and that its claims are trustworthy.

Prophecy and the Bible

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 1:1-17

The Bible is among many scriptures claiming to be true. One of the reasons we can put our trust in it, and it alone, is because it uniquely offers detailed fulfilled prophesy.

The Supremacy of Christ

Ryan Lowery
Hebrews 1:1-2:4

Why should Jesus be an authority in my life? The author of Hebrews gives two reasons: because of who he is and because of what he has done. Hebrews repeatedly cites the Old Testament to show that Jesus fulfills many prophesies, demonstrating who he is. And Jesus took our sins on himself on the cross, demonstrating his love for us. The audience of Hebrews were under intense pressure to deny Jesus. Hebrews is reminding them that there is only one way to be made right with God (through Jesus) and it's not tradition or religion but relationship.

The Use and Abuse of Spiritual Gifts

James Rochford
1 Corinthians 14:1-40

Paul speaks to the Corinthian church about the way they are worshiping, particularly in regards to their prophesying and their speaking in tongues. Paul urges them to conduct themselves in an orderly manner to win people to Christ rather than to drive people away. A detailed exploration of the gift of speaking in tongues is included.

God's Wisdom and Spiritual Gifts

Scott Risley
1 Corinthians 14:1-40

The Corinthian Church's meetings were chaotic and uninviting, with believers talking over one another, eager to exercise their own spiritual gifts. Paul admonishes the church to be orderly and to focus on what is beneficial to everyone, and to use individual gifts to build others up. Though the cultural context is different, the principles Paul sets forth are very much applicable to the church today.