What is the Church?

Jim Leffel
Romans 12:3-10

God's church is not an institution but an organic community forged by real spiritual unity given by the Holy Spirit. Described as a body, the church is an interdependent community where each member is needed for the church to flourish and grow in love. As we step out in faith and look to meet the needs of others, God is able to be glorified in His church as the church reflects God's love within the church and outside it.

Christian Euphoria

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 5

Within Christian community, we should enjoy fellowship through the Holy Spirit and refrain from drunkenness. We should also cultivate an attitude of thanksgiving, which allows us to appreciate God and what He's doing in our lives or the lives of others. Real living comes from Christ-centered relationships, seeing God move in people's lives, and refreshing times of fellowship.

Reasons to Change Your Life

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 5

The forgiveness we've received through Christ motivates us to lives of sacrificial love. Understanding God's grace compels us to live our lives free from damaging patterns including sexual immorality, poor use of speech, and greed. Instead, we can understand how to live as God designed us and demonstrate His truth in our lives and in our relationships. This allows for gradual movement from self-centered living to others-centered living.

The Seeker Small Group

Mark Ashton
Ephesians 5

Mark gives practical instruction to start and lead successful seeker small groups in order to help others learn about Jesus. These begin with pre-evangelism, purposing to help get people interested in Jesus. There is a wide range of flexibility in what these can look like but they all have the same intent; to invite already established relationships to a place that is comfortable. Mark's simple strategy involves three steps involving prayer: 1) relationships; 2) invitation; and 3) implementation. He explains ten irrefutable laws of seeker groups that give direction in starting one. He gives many resources to help facilitate people at all stages of interest.\r\n

Home Group Ministry (Part 2)

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Thessalonians 2:7-12

To be a good home church leader you must be able to cultivate an ethos that God desires for your group. Cultivating this ethos includes: responding positively and negatively to examples set by others; supporting and challenging members; giving an emotional response to key issues and events; and having a willingness to raise tension.

The Dynamics of Serving Love

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:10

Serving love creates certain dynamics in the life of the church. Paul demonstrates being caught up in the lives of other people at the deepest level, being focused on giving to the other person. Contrast this to other relational dynamics in the world, such as codependency and tribalism.

The Key Elements of Serving Love

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 2:1-12

Serving love has many roles and and benefits. It involves sharing the good news without deception, selfishness, or manipulation. Serving love is not flattery or for profit or glory. It is nurturing and personal. This is where the root of discipleship relationships is found.

What is the Human Race?

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 2:15-20

The human race is made up of characteristics that became distorted after the Fall: 1) benevolent ruler-ship, 2) creative accomplishment, 3) free moral agency, 4) relational, and 5) intellectual creativity. These have applications in our relationship with God, with each other, and in the afterlife.

True Happiness

Gary DeLashmutt
Genesis 2:15-20

God's design for personal fulfillment and happiness comes from self-giving love that emulates Christ. As we move away from self-saving and selfish love and move towards giving out to meet the needs of others, we are able to experience: increasing contentment, relational success, and substantial emotional health. This type of love is only possible through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The best context for self-giving love is in a healthy Christian community.