Giving Out without Giving Up

James Rochford
Galatians 6:1-9

Giving out sacrificially of yourself without giving up involves carrying your own everyday load but also helping someone carry their extra heavy burden. It also includes sharing in supporting those who teach the word of God. You will share in reaping eternal life for those who hear the teaching and respond to the Gospel. God promises those who do not give up will reap a harvest at the proper time.

Real Love in Spiritual Community

Dennis McCallum
Galatians 6:1-9

To have real love in spiritual community with God's people, we must be willing to know and be known by other people. Real Christian community involves being honest about our battles over sin and temptation and gently helping others with their struggles with the same. Imagine what life would be like in a community where people were not boastful but humble, not competitive but willing to help restore people, not bearing just their burdens but each other's burdens and never giving up?

Life Together

Chris Hearty
Galatians 6:1-9

To live life together with love in spiritual community with God's people, we must be willing to know and be known by other people. Real Christian community involves being honest about our battles over sin and temptation and gently helping others with their struggles with the same. Imagine what life would be like in a community where people were not boastful but humble, not competitive but willing to help restore people, not bearing just their burdens but each other's burdens and never giving up?

Others-Centered Life

Conrad Hilario
Galatians 6:1-9

An others-centered life would not be boastful or competitive. It would be humble and willing to gently correct others when needed. It would involve knowing and being known by others. It would involve mutual bearing of each other's burdens even while still bearing one's own burdens. Others-centered life gives sacrificially, but never gives up

Joys and Pains in Paul's Relationships

Brian Runk
2 Timothy 4:9-22

As Paul is facing the end of his life in prison, he recounts those who have faithfully stuck by him in ministry and those who regretfully, have abandoned or rejected him and the ministry. In spite of the betrayals, Paul remains committed to being invested in people despite the risks and personal costs. He was able to do so because, "The Lord stood with (him) and strengthened (him)..." The love of Jesus sustained him in his effort to love people who sometimes grievously let him down. \r\n\r\nSome keys to his ability to keep loving others were his commitment to live without bitterness, his understanding of the fallenness of human nature, and his staying close to Jesus.

Matters of Conscience

Jim Leffel
Romans 14:1-22

Paul addresses the issue of conflict in conscience in the early Roman churches. Just as Rome was a city overflowing with diversity of ethnicities, religions, and thought, so too within the the young church was the same cultural diversity. This resulted in clashing convictions of conscience. Because there was agreement over essential points of doctrine, Paul calls his audience to not engage in conflict over these grey areas of differences but instead, preserve relationships and conscience.\r\n\r\nHe tells them to accept the person but not necessarily agree with them, that we are accountable to God for our choices, so don't judge other's choices. Don't put obstacles in the way of a brother. Pursue peace by focusing on what people really need. And finally, be a person of conviction.

Mature Christian Love

Ryan Lowery
1 Thessalonians 3:1-13

In this passage Paul describes several aspects of godly relating. They include valuing in-person time, serving and being served, being focused on prayer and time in the Bible together, and putting Christ at the center. Putting these aspects into practice will result in mature Christian love.

Keeping Deep Connections

Jim Leffel
Romans 12:9-21

With hope and confidence, Romans 12 addresses a very similar situation that our world is confronted with today. The world is isolated and fragmented for different reasons today than it was in Paul's day but the solution is the same; build social bonds with genuine love and without hypocrisy. The Body of Christ is uniquely equipped to offer a powerful solution to the craziness of the present times.

Dimensions of True Spirituality

Jim Leffel
Romans 12:1-8

What does it look like to live the Christian life in the framework of Christian community? Because of the crazy times we are living in today, we want to be deliberate in bridging the gap between where the lost and hurting people are and where there is real hope in Christ. Instead of being defeated by all the dismaying obstacles in our way, we can ask, "Where do I see opportunities to build up God's Church? Where can I share the gifts God has given me?" True spirituality recognizes what God has done and what it means to be His children.