Who You Really Are

It's easy for people to view their mental health diagnoses or traumatic histories as their identity. This session explores biblical identity and its power for lasting change.

Living with Hope

Scott Risley
1 Thessalonians 4:9-5:11

In God's plan for humanity, we were never meant to experience death, but since Adam and Eve sinned, we all have or will experience the evil of death. But Christians do not need to fear death as Scripture is clear, when we die, we go immediately to be with Jesus. Jesus promises to someday come back to earth to gather together those who have put their faith in Him, and take us to heaven, whether we have already died or are still alive on earth. Then the Tribulation period will begin.

Is the Afterlife Real?

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 4

The Bible affirms that the afterlife is real and Jesus is proof of it. Jesus' resurrection from the dead is the source of our great hope, which the world does not have. If you do not have that same hope, why not ask God to reveal this truth to you?

Paul and the Resurrection

Mike Sullivan
Acts 16:20-26:32

Mike Sullivan analyzes Paul's case for the life and resurrection of Jesus Christ that is laid out throughout the book of Acts.

The Resurrection

Ryan Lowery
Matthew 28:1-20

The resurrection of Jesus after His crucifixion is essential to Biblical faith. If Jesus did not rise from the dead, then His sacrifice was not acceptable to God and we are still dead in our sins. This extraordinary claim deserves an extraordinary examination. There is powerful historical evidence for this claim. If you doubt these claims, have you truly examined the historical evidence?

Is There Good Evidence That Jesus Rose from the Dead?

James Rochford
1 Corinthians 15:3-8

All of the claims of the Christian faith hinge on whether Jesus rose from the dead, as the Bible claims. An honest evaluation of the the evidence--early sources, the empty tomb, the nature of Jesus' execution, the surprise of the resurrection, and eyewitnesses--leads one to see that it is a reasonable thing to conclude. If true, it opens the door for us to believe and receive Jesus' offer to give us eternal life, something we can never earn for ourselves through good works.

Jesus' Resurrection and Our Resurrection

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Corinthians 15:35-58

One of the many hopes we have as believers in Jesus is the hope of the resurrection of our bodies at the appointed time. Just as Jesus was resurrected in bodily form, so shall we be raised to an imperishable body. Paul answers the Corinthian's questions regarding if bodily resurrection is possible, what it will be like, how and when one can get a resurrected body and how it should affect one's daily life.

A Life of Inexpressible Joy

Conrad Hilario
1 Peter 1:1-9

Upon receiving Christ, we become chosen by God, we have an imperishable inheritance, and we have incredible security in our salvation. God desires we obey him for the long term out of love and not out of fear for the short term. I response to his incredible gifts and our security in him, we can live a life of inexpressible joy, and courage even through times of difficult trials.

Things God has Done for Us

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 1:1-9

Peter in 1 Peter 1 opens his first letter with a description of the things God has done for us who are in Christ. God has chosen us, set us apart. He has sprinkled us with the blood of Christ, allowing us to be spiritually reborn. We and all his promises to us are kept safe and secure by the power of God. We have the healing of our souls so damaged by sin. And finally we have the gift of suffering, which among other things, teaches us to truly depend upon God and not ourselves.