Jesus and John

Ben Foust
Revelation 1

When John meets the risen Jesus in Revelation Chapter One, he falls face-down like a dead man. Jesus's appearance was so brilliantly different from the man he knew during Jesus' earthly ministry that John was awe-struck. Can this be the same man? Is Jesus the gentle lamb who is relational and approachable? Or is he the fearsome lion of Judah who will judge the earth? Is he immanent or transcendent? The answer is he is both! He is both king and friend which qualifies him to be our savior.

The Newness of Life

Conrad Hilario
Philippians 3:9-14

Paul tells us God wants to forgive our sins and give us new life based on the work Jesus did on the cross for us. Some people never progress beyond receiving His forgiveness, but those who desire to grow and walk with Jesus will encounter suffering and failure. But this the only way for God to break through our fleshly resistance and conform us to the likeness of Christ.

The Glorious Transformation

Scott Risley
Philippians 3:17-21

As believers, when we die our body is temporarily separated from our spirit but a day will come where our spirit is reunited with our transformed, resurrected body. It will be a glorious body that will retain its original identifying features but will have amazing new abilities! Christ will transform our body of humble state into conformity with the body of His glory. Not only will our bodies be transformed but also our desires will be sanctified and fulfilled on the New Earth. Although while on this earth, our bodies are broken and our desires are corrupt, God offers hope. Don't miss out on the glorious transformation God offers.

Jesus and the Woman in the Crowd

Ben Foust
Mark 5:21-43

The story of the woman in the crowd who had a bleeding disorder demonstrates that Jesus is a man of compassion, the healer of hopeless situations, the inviter of outcasts, the rewarder of faith, and that Jesus' power is absolutely adequate. Sickness and death are symbols of our alienation from God. Jesus' power over them is proof he has the power to fulfill his mission to reconcile us. All of us will encounter hopeless situations at some time. When that happens, Jesus invites us to put our faith, however small it might be, in him.

Five Ways to Experience God's Power

James Rochford
Philippians 3:9-15

When Paul talks about the power of the resurrection, he is not referring to life after death but the actual power that can raise the dead. This same power is also what fuels spiritual growth. The five ways to experience God's power in spiritual growth is 1. Share in Jesus' suffering, 2. Forget what happened in the past, 3. Reach forward, 4. Press on and 5. Respond to God's guidance. God changes lives; will you respond to his invitation?

Pressing on Toward the Goal

Scott Risley
Philippians 3:10-16

Paul longs to experience the power of Jesus' resurrection, not the resurrection to eternal life, but the resurrection power of living a victorious life. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is available to us to live a life for Jesus, but it requires sharing in his suffering. As we allow suffering to strip away our self-sufficiency it allows God's power to shine through us to his glory.

Jesus' Millenial Kingdom

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 20:1-10

The Millennial Kingdom is the period of time after the church age ends. It is a thousand years of Jesus and his resurrected followers reigning over the mortal survivors of the Tribulation. Satan will be bound during this time. People will live long without illness. After the thousand years, Satan will be released to deceive the nations one final time but he will be destroyed and thrown into the lake of fire forever and ever. \r\n\r\nIt will be a period of true social justice and lasting world peace. There will be world-wide spiritual enlightenment and a time of unprecedented celebration and joy. Nature will be substantially restored.

The Second Coming of Christ

Mike Sullivan
Revelation 19:1-21

The Bible is clear, Jesus first came to earth as a suffering servant and he will return to earth as a conquering king. When he returns, he will defeat his enemies and will put an end to rebellion forever. Satan and his antichrist will be thrown into the lake of fire forever. There will be a wedding celebration for all those who have put their trust in Jesus to save them. If you are a believer, the question is are you ready for his return? As a non-believer, will you put your faith in Jesus and join the celebration?

After the Cross

Dennis McCallum
Mark 16:1-8

Here we see that after Jesus' death on the cross, he is found by his followers to be raised from the dead. The question of the reality of Jesus' actual, real, physical resurrection either establishes or destroys the Christian faith--the belief that you can have your sins forgiven and can enter into a relationship with God. It's essential for us to examine the evidence and render a verdict.