Jesus Cleans House

Ryan Lowery
John 2:13-25

Jesus goes up to Jerusalem to the Temple at Passover. He found sellers of oxen, sheep, and doves, as well as the money changers doing business there. Seeing that they were misrepresenting God, Jesus made a whip, turned over the tables and drove them all out. The Jewish leaders arrive and Jesus says, "destroy this Temple and in three days I will raise it up". They were confused not knowing he was referring to the Temple of his body. Later, his disciples remembered that Jesus said this to them and they believed the words he said.

Jesus' Parting Words

Conrad Hilario
Matthew 28:18-20

An introduction to the book of Acts. Time is spent explaining the Churches central mission ( the Great Commission) what that looks like in our lives and the role of the Holy Spirit.

He Is Risen!

Scott Risley
John 20:1-18

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a hotly debated topic denied by atheist scholars and surprisingly, by many so-called Christian scholars. A common reason for this denial is the belief that the four Gospel accounts are inherently contradictory and cannot be fit together. Fortunately, the four Gospel accounts can be harmonized and the evidence for the resurrection is quite compelling. What do you think is the best explanation of the evidence for the resurrection?

The Aftermath of the Cross

Dennis McCallum
Luke 23:50-24:48

New Testament critic Bart Ehrman says, "one of the most certain facts of history is that Jesus was crucified..." But what came next? Historial evidence points to an empty tomb 3 days later. We will explore possible explanations for the empty tomb and evidence that Jesus did in fact raise from the dead!

Temple Showdown

Scott Risley
Luke 19:45-20:47

Luke describes a showdown between Jesus and the religious leaders over the temple. The religious leaders attempted to arrest Jesus and continued to use the temple to make a profit while Jesus repeatedly silenced them with the truth. The religious leaders were confronted with the question "Jesus is the Son of God. What are you going to do about it?" The same question can be asked of anyone. Will you reject Jesus as the Son of God or accept Him?

The Resurrection

Jim Leffel
Luke 24:1-12

Is it reasonable to believe in the resurrection of Christ? The account of the empty tomb is presented and the historicity of the event is examined. Prophecy and historical evidence from the Old Testament book of Psalms and the letters of Paul are explained in connection to the resurrection.

I Am the Resurrection

Scott Risley
1 Thessalonians 4:13

Death is inevitable for all of us. We all will experience going through the grieving process of losing a loved one. Death has the ability to derail our faith or draw us closer to God. Through Jesus' resurrection of Lazarus we find God's perspective on death. God too is outraged and in anger over death. We also learn that death on this earth is not the end for those who have put their faith in Jesus Christ. He has provided the resurrection of the dead giving us hope in the face of death.

If There is No Resurrection

Jim Leffel
Ecclesiastes 3:11

The resurrection of Jesus Christ was the most important event in human history. The reality is that all people will make a choice about this fact. Paul makes it clear in his letter to the Corinthians that the existence of God and His resurrection is the one and only thing that prevents the human soul from collapsing into despair. For the believer in Christ, hope is the anchor for the soul that gives us assurance and endurance in this life.

The Resurrection

Jim Leffel
1 Corinthians 15:3-8

The historical accuracy of Jesus' resurrection is of utmost importance as it authenticates Jesus' teachings and his place as Lord. It's historicity is attested to from prophecy, logic within the Bible, and sources outside the material. It's essential for all of us to examine the evidence, understand how the resurrection affirms forgiveness through faith, and respond in faith.