The Rest of the Story - The Resurrection

Doug Patch
John 20:11-31

If Jesus never rose from the dead, our faith as Christians is futile and we are of all men most to be pitied (1 Corinthians 15:19). It's easy to doubt that Jesus actually did resurrect because it was a supernatural event. We review common objections to its occurrence, evidence for it happening, and what that reality means for us.

The Rest of the Story - The Resurrection

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 24:36-43

As believers it's vital that we provide evidence that Jesus was resurrected. Without that, our faith is futile. We can find more evidence supporting its reality than evidence against it. Here is the supporting evidence: we know that Jesus appeared to multiple people who were able to provide eyewitness testimony; the tomb was empty; and the church was started and then grew tremendously. Because we know that the resurrection occurred, we know that God accepted Jesus' sacrifice on our behalf.

The Rest of the Story - The Resurrection

Mary Barnum
1 Corinthians 15:1-19

Jesus' resurrection is the centerpiece of Christian theology because if it never occurred, our faith as Christians would be worthless. We are provided a plethora of evidence supporting its reality: we know that Jesus died and was buried; there was an empty tomb; and Jesus appeared to over 500 people after rising (most of whom were still alive and could give an account). The alternative theories don't add up. The validity of Jesus' resurrection implies that: Jesus vindicated his claim to be God; he offers eternal life; and he can transform our lives.


Jim Leffel
1 Corinthians 15:6-8

The claim the Bible makes for the resurrection of Christ has an abundant amount of evidence that can lead a person to the reasonable conclusion of truth. Exploring three areas of historical forensics can help bring us to the conclusion that Christ did raise from the dead. In the claim for the resurrection it is important to investigate the credible sources involved, unpack a comprehensive explanation, and compare this claim with any competing explanations. The reality of Christ's resurrection brings those who believe in Him a real hope.

The Emptying of Jesus

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 2:17-18

Christ emptied himself of his godly abilities in order to become a human and pay for humanities sins. Jesus depended on God in order to perform the miracles and work he did here on Earth. Christ humbled himself in order to save humanity.

The Non-Negotiables

Dennis McCallum
Romans 6:4

Paul emphasized the importance of the Gospel message to the Corinthians, that Jesus died for our sins and was resurrected which demonstrates that he was God and had paid for sin. All we have to do to be made righteous in God's eyes is to accept Jesus' death and resurrection as a payment for our own sins. Nothing should be added or removed from the Gospel that Paul preached.

Is Death's Separation Permanent?

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

There are two kinds of grief: 1) sadness because of temporary separation; and 2) hopelessness because of permanent separation. Paul explains that while believers may grieve the loss of a loved one, our separation is only temporary. God promises a personal embodied reunion for those who believe in Him. The promise of our future resurrection is rooted in Christ's past resurrection.\r\n

Dealing with Despondency

Dennis McCallum
Luke 24:13-33

Jesus' followers are despondent following his death because their own plans and expectations seemed to be crushed. Meeting two of them on the road to Emmaus, in response Jesus explains the scriptures and God's plan. We deal with despondency in our own lives, and God's Word provides the comfort and revelation to us today. His plans are greater than our own!

Aftermath of the Cross

Dennis McCallum
Luke 24:1-9

After Jesus is crucified and buried, his followers are shocked to discover an empty tomb and a resurrected Christ. How can we know the resurrection happened? The evidence is impressive, and we are left with a convincing apologetic for the validity of the Bible and Christianity as a whole.