The Problem With Religion

Ben Foust
Romans 2:1-3:9

Paul warns against human judgement and self-righteousness, calling attention to our hypocrisy and God's mercy for all. Paul reflects on God's righteousness.

An Imprecatory Psalm

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 58

Some people are uncomfortable with the imprecatory psalms in the Bible. They feel it makes God out to be a vengeful, blood-thirsty god. But it is God's love that requires Him to judge evil. God is amazingly patient with sinful people and willing to forgive all kinds of sin, but He will judge people who refuse to repent. Jesus' substitutionary death is the ultimate demonstration of God's love and the ultimate satisfaction of His righteousness.

The Power of the Word

Scott Risley
1 Peter 1:22-2:3

It is the Word of God that empowers us to do anything good. We can't truly love others on our own, but God's Word gives us a new nature capable of real love. Scripture gives us many word pictures for the Word; It is the seed, milk, solid food, bedrock foundation, an anchor for our souls, a mirror, a lamp, fire, a hammer, a sword, pure gold and silver, rain from heaven, and finally, the sweetest honey. The Word of God is the starting point for this new spiritual life God wants to give us. This Word is also the sustainer of this new life.

Messiah's Glorious Kingdom

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 72

While King Solomon is praying for his own ability to reign properly, he is also alluding to the ultimate reign of Messiah. King Messiah's reign will be marked by God-given moral integrity and wisdom. It will bring unparalleled peace and prosperity. It will be world-wide and everlasting. It will fulfill God's promise to Abraham that all nations will be blessed through him.

The Newness of Life

Conrad Hilario
Philippians 3:9-14

Paul tells us God wants to forgive our sins and give us new life based on the work Jesus did on the cross for us. Some people never progress beyond receiving His forgiveness, but those who desire to grow and walk with Jesus will encounter suffering and failure. But this the only way for God to break through our fleshly resistance and conform us to the likeness of Christ.

God's Eternal Kingdom Part 3

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 22:12

In God's eternal kingdom, Jesus rewards His followers for their faithful service. God motivates us to live faithfully for Him by promising us rewards when this life is over. We will get the satisfaction of seeing the full significance of our service to Him. Things we did that we thought were insignificant or unsuccessful will be praised by God because they had significant ripple effects that we could not see. We will have the joy of being praised by God for our service.

Dumping Religion

Chris Hearty
Philippians 3:1-9

If there ever was a person who could claim righteousness under the law it was Paul, but he denounced all his accomplishments as worthless dung in comparison to the surpassing value in knowing Jesus. Instead he proclaims that righteousness only comes from Jesus not our good works. Paul warns the Philippians to beware anyone who presents a gospel other than righteousness through faith in Jesus.

Joy and Safe Passage

Jim Leffel
Philippians 3:1-21

Although we are works in progress, we can have joy because we have confidence that Jesus will complete the work of transformation that he began in us. We know the end of the story which gives us courage to fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. We can confidently rejoice because having put our faith in Jesus, we have safe passage.

Final Judgment

Mike Sullivan
Revelation 20:11-15

Many people, Christian and non-Christian alike, are uncomfortable with the idea of final judgment, or hell, but it is a reality. Hell is necessary because sin is a reality that must be dealt with. God loves people and sin hurts the people God loves. Because God values free will, he honors our choices. Because God is righteous and just, he must punish sin. Because he is loving, he offers an alternative to hell for anyone who chooses to receive the forgiveness Jesus offers through his death on the cross.