The Cross

Dennis McCallum
Mark 14:32-15:34

The most important event in human history occurred when Jesus Christ went to the cross. Jesus' crucifixion was the epitome of physical torment, and included being stripped naked and flogging. Not only that, but Jesus endured spiritual torment by taking on God's wrath to pay for humanity's sin. Jesus paid the certificate of death for all humanity in the greatest demonstration of sacrificial love. As Christians, the cross is a constant reminder of God's love for us and something we should thank God for regularly. For those who aren't Christians, making a decision about Jesus' work on the cross is the most important decision to make.

Living Generously

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 8:7-21

God's grace revealed through Jesus Christ provides a basis for being generous. Some keys to be living generously include: 1) being intentional about giving generously; 2) being faithful to what you've decided to give; 3) be proportional with your giving to a sacrificial degree; and 4) be zealous. Since we are accountable to God with His resources, we should be excited to be a part of God's eternal purposes and should aim to be above reproach in our handling of His money.

Challenge of Wealth

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 8:1-5

Paul expresses his desire for the Corinthians to give generously, giving principles about generosity and wealth. God desires a spiritual mindset concerning how we value wealth, to understand principles of stewardship and financial freedom and to understand affluence as it pertains to poverty. God-centered generosity is an extension of entrusting our lives to God.

Why this waste?

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 26:6-13

Mary's sacrifice of her expensive perfume at the expense of Jesus infuriates Jesus' disciples. Jesus highlights Mary's sacrifice isn't a waste, as they might think, but will be richly rewarded before God and remembered. The contrast between the disciples' and Jesus' viewpoint highlights the difference when we think about the temporary things to indulge rather than living for the eternal impacts that come from pursuing what God desires. Mary's faith and eternal perspective made her sacrifice not a sacrifice at all because of who she was looking to serve. This teaching also includes a testimony of a man in a law firm that realized God's eternal impact and how to live for that rather than temporary things.

The Spirit of the Gentiles

Dennis McCallum
Luke 14:9-11

James' and John's desire to be at the places of honor reflects the damaging effects of human pride and putting self at the center. Jesus tells them that true leadership is servant leadership, where you forsake self for the building up of others. Jesus perfectly demonstrated sacrificial servant leadership by going to the cross to pay for humanity's moral debt to God. Humility before God and others is a key attribute of being effective in servant leadership.

Who Do You Say I Am?

Dennis McCallum
Mark 8:27-37

The biggest question to answer is who Jesus is. Jesus came and predicted that he would suffer, be killed, and rise again three days later. For followers of Jesus, the next decision is whether or not discipleship (radically following Jesus) is something that you desire. Jesus' example of self-sacrifice was demonstrated through his death on the cross and is the key to enjoying a satisfying and fulfilling life for Christ.

The God of All Comfort

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 1:1-11

Christians can develop a more thorough knowledge of God as they willingly participate with how He wants to use our sufferings. As we experience sufferings, we get a greater awareness and understanding of God's comfort for us, and are empowered to give that to others as they need comfort amidst suffering. Christians who grow in their endurance amidst suffering are able to have increased hope in light of unfavorable circumstances and can view their suffering as a new way to develop further dependence on God over self.

Jesus' Method

Dennis McCallum
Mark 3:7-19

Personal discipleship was at the center of Jesus' three and a half year ministry on earth. Jesus spent the majority of his time investing in love relationships with his disciples to instruct, model, and teach them in order that they would go and replicate that with others. These types of relationships are God's intended method of reaching people for Christ throughout the New Testament and involves much personal sacrifice and toil, but is highly rewarding as people mature spiritually to become active servants of Christ.

Running the Race (Part 1)

Gary DeLashmutt
Hebrews 12:1

God has a race for His people to run! It requires endurance and several key points. The first key is to get rid of all suitcases. These can be the sins that hinder us or the activities we do that aren't morally wrong but still slow us down. The second key is to get strength from other veteran runners. Characters from the Old and New Testaments, biographies of other Christian workers, and Christian workers God puts in one's life can be great sources of motivation and encouragement.