God's Love

Dennis McCallum
1 John 4:7

Paul describes vividly what biblical love is, and the love that God has for us. God's love is sacrificial, patient, hopeful, and it never fails. Biblical love is deeply tied to the meaning of life and the gospel message that we Christians share.

Love and Freedom

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 10:23-29

Paul called the Corinthians to sacrifice some of their freedoms for the conscience of a younger believer. God's moral imperatives are clear in scripture, but some moral choices seem grey and unclear. We shouldn't draw moral lines that God hasn't drawn himself, but in a spirit of love it is good when we lay down our freedoms for the benefit of another person.

Satisfying Sexuality

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 5:25

Sex should be reserved for a committed, love-based relationship (marriage). In biblical marriages both spouses draw close to God for their needs, and as they do this they free themselves to give to their spouse. Good sex comes from the love of the whole person (spirit, soul, and body).

Spiritual Radicalism vs. Mediocrity

Dennis McCallum
Galatians 3:28

Paul gave up a comfortable lifestyle in order to serve God with his whole life and share God's love with other people. When we approach our relationship with God in an attitude of self interest we will often become lukewarm. God's love and truth is meant to be shared and when we go out and share this message, as Paul did, we can experience God powerfully working through us.

Finishing the Course

Jim Leffel
Acts 20:24

As Paul's life comes to a close, he reflects on his past, present, and future in his last letter to Timothy. \r\nPaul's past demonstrated faithfulness to what God entrusted to him, and in the present Paul continued to live a life characterized by sacrifice for God. Lastly, Paul looked forward to the crown of righteousness that God promised him in eternity. All of these reflections enabled Paul to fulfill his ministry, and modern Christians can likewise have the same hope and motivation to be faithful to Christ in their own lives.

The Cross

Dennis McCallum
Psalms 22

In the paramount event of all of human history, Jesus Christ is convicted and crucified. Predicted in Psalm 22 and fulfilled in the gospel accounts, Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of humanity. How will we choose to respond to him?

The Last Supper

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 10:16-17

Jesus sits down to a final meal with his closet companions, and instructs them to carry on the tradition. Here we find the origin of the ritual of communion, done to remember and proclaim Christ's death.

Be Strong in Grace! Three Qualities of the Christian Worker

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 10:3-5

Timothy has been called to suffer for the gospel. The entire world is in a spiritually divided state, active trust in God means entering into this spiritual battle. Paul illustrates our role as servants of God in the descriptions of a soldier in spiritual war, an athlete competing for the prize, and a farmer toiling in the field.

The Good Samaritan

Dennis McCallum
Luke 10

Jesus interaction with an expert in the law shows our inability to keep God's law perfectly. Rather than try and use works to become right with God, Christ offers forgiveness through his death on the cross to fulfill God's law and have a relationship free from works. The expert in the law desired to be righteous on his own, so Jesus used a parable of the Good Samaritan to show that God's requirement of love requires initiative, compassion, meeting immediate and long-term needs, and a willingness to suffer discomfort. This was shown through Jesus' life as we are unable to love God and others perfectly but can have Jesus pay for our failures at love.