The Humanity of Christ

Ryan Lowery
Hebrews 2:6-18

Paul explains Jesus' humanity, which was hard to grasp for the Greek-thinking culture he was writing to. Jesus' humanity is important because through his humanity he can atone for our sins, display his humility, and understand the struggles of humanity on a personal level. 

Facts About the Resurrection

Conrad Hilario
John 20:1-31

Jesus' resurrection is one of the most important events in history, second only to His death on the cross.  Conrad lays out several facts about Jesus' resurrection that support the validity of His bodily resurrection.


Jim Leffel
Colossians 2:6-:15

Paul urges the Colossians to walk in line with God. Reminding them of their identity and salvation through Christ, he warns them not to get caught up in deceptive philosophy or human tradition. 

Bodily Resurrection: Is It That Important?

Patrice McCormac
1 Corinthians 15:1-19

Instead of strongly rebuking the Corinthians for wrong thinking, he takes them back to the reason they first believed.  He reminds them the message he preaches is supernatural with powerful lines of evidence to support the claim Jesus died and rose from the dead, thus assuring us His payment for our sins was acceptable to God.  

Walking Worthy

Ryan Lowery
Ephesians 4:1-16

Paul encourages the believers to live their life based on God's grace and sacrifice. 

The Gospel and Outsiders

Conrad Hilario
John 4:3-42

Jesus approaches and talks to a woman who was outcast by society. Through their conversation, we see that Jesus' love and offer of eternal life is meant for all people in all circumstances. 


Jim Leffel
Hebrews 10:19-11:6

The writer of Hebrews is warning his listeners that if they continue to willfully reject the offer of forgiveness that Jesus extends, there is no other means of salvation.  There is only the terrifying expectation of judgment.

The New Birth

Conrad Hilario
John 3:1-16

Jesus explains his offer of eternal life for those who put their belief in him.

Spiritual Rebirth

Dennis McCallum
John 3:1-18

The decision to be spiritually reborn is the most important decision of your life.  It is free of charge and received by faith. It is a personal relation and so different from formalism.