New Creatures in Christ

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 5:14-21

There are many ramifications of our new identity in Christ. As a new creation, we have new aspirations to live for God instead of ourselves. In addition, we can adopt God's view of success, seen through a lifestyle of sacrificial service toward others and character transformation. Lastly, we are now seen as Christ's ambassadors, with a unique role and responsibility to tell others about Christ's love for them and how to know God personally.

Treasure in Earthen Vessels

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 4:7-18

Paul's analogy of his suffering compared to a clay jar with a great treasure presents the principle of life out of death. This process is initiated by God as He gradually breaks us so that the aroma of Christ can be manifested in our lives more and more. God will allow the sufferings we encounter to promote a deeper dependence on Him and less dependence on ourselves. As we encounter these trials, God calls us to focus in faith on His promises and live them out as He works in our lives.

Two Ways of Relating to God

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 3:6-18

God's new covenant of grace and living by the Holy Spirit's power completely eradicated the Old Covenant of moral obligation and law. As opposed to trying to relate to God based on our own goodness or out of guilt, we are freed to live under the security of His unwavering love and acceptance of us through Christ. As we live under God's way of grace, more and more of who Christ is can be revealed to others as God works in our lives. This teaching includes a testimony by Travis Henderson.

Leadership and Spirituality (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
1 Timothy 3:2

Paul continues to describe the characteristics to look for in raising up Christian leaders. They should be well-ordered and stable, hospitable and welcoming to strangers, familiar enough with the Bible to teach it to others, without substance/alcohol abuse, not violent, gentle, and someone who resolves conflict. If we are to become an influence for God, it requires complete character reconstruction that is only possible through God's power to change lives. This is God's will for all believers and leads to an incredible sense of purpose and value!

Meager Faith Richly Rewarded

Jim Leffel
1 John 5:13

The miraculous healing of Jairus' son and the unclean woman demonstrate that Jesus has the power to overcome death, and his resurrection gives purpose to our lives as Christians. Both Jairus and the woman approached Jesus from a position of weakness and trusted that he would be faithful to his promises to them, and since they acted in faith before seeing God's provision, they both grew in their trust and intimacy with Him.

Sabbatical Controversies

Jim Leffel
Exodus 20:8

Jesus frequently caused controversy over the practice of the Sabbath, and his decisions to violate its many rules demonstrated the higher purpose and principles of God's law. There are three key principles about the law that Jesus teaches: 1) the law is an expression of God's character which shapes its meaning and application; 2) God's true desire is for His people to have inner faithfulness and love rather than mechanical rule-following behavior; and 3) God's moral will is for the good of His people. When these three principles are ignored in favor of legalism, people become deceived about God's priorities, and relationships are damaged overall.

Calling Disciples

Jim Leffel
Luke 5:1-11

Though Mark's description of Jesus calling his first four disciples is brief, a look into the gospels of Luke and John proves that each of the four men had history with Jesus. By the time Jesus called them, they had come to their own convictions about who he was and were able to make an informed decision to follow him. To this day, the focus of Jesus' call to discipleship isn't based on the adequacy of those he calls, but on Christ's adequacy. The focus is on how he is able to work in us; we need only be available. Discipleship is a purpose-driven life, and we are often called upon to give some things up for the sake of following Christ.

Mental Transformation (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4:13-14

God has given us His Word as reliable truth that we can continually turn to. When we act on God's truth and study His Word we begin to grow into mature believers. God's Word feeds us like milk feeds a baby, moving us towards maturity.

Three Common Forms of Spiritual Deception

Gary DeLashmutt
Matthew 7:13-27

How can we avoid being deceived? Jesus warns against three forms of spiritual deception: 1) trusting the majority when it comes to spiritual matters, 2) listening to anyone who claims to speak for Christ, and 3) merely agreeing with Jesus instead of acting on his words. God wants us to think for ourselves, use discernment, and to act on the things Jesus says.