Abraham's Early Faith

Gary DeLashmutt
Genesis 12:4-13:18

As we study the Bible's account of Abraham's life, we see that God's dealings with him mirror His dealings with Christians who have put their trust in Him to pay for their sins--the essence of faith. Abraham's life gives us a picture of a normal life of faith-lapses, as is common and normal for Christians, but also shows us that God is always faithful to people who have put their trust in Him--not because of their performance but because of His faithfulness. Understanding this will help us be more stable, have an answer for our fears, find growth through trusting Him and through His loving discipline, and, someday, see amazing results of our steps of faith.

The High Cost of Following Jesus

Joe Byler
Genesis 12:4-13:18

Many Christians fall under two traps: 1) legalism - that following Jesus is a list of "do's" and "don'ts" or 2) forgetting or ignoring that Jesus wants to transform your life. This is a sort of "gospel crisis." The truth is that Jesus wants his Gospel to deeply transform our lives as we commit to him. What does it mean to follow Jesus with our lives? We will look at Jesus' call to discipleship and both the difficulties and fulfillment that following his call leads to.

Conforming, or Transforming

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4:7

Often living a life as a Christian will lead to conflict with the values of the world. A Christian believer will sometimes try to conform to this world as opposed to God transforming the believer to become more like Christ. How is the believer transformed?

Joshua's Decision

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 12:1-2

Joshua's challenge to his people is to join him in setting themselves apart for God--a call that is still made to Christians today. Putting yourself under God's leadership is reasonable and proper, since God is greater than His enemies, has a significant role for each person in His plan, and always keeps His promises. Additionally, the Bible says God is a "jealous" god, meaning He wants us to worship Him and Him alone. This is for our good, because we were created to live completely set apart for Him. If we have made the decision to receive God's free gift of forgiveness through Christ, we should also make the decision to give our whole life to Him as described in Romans 12:1-2. Joshua's description of this is to "fear the Lord"--respecting Him supremely--and willingly.

Walking According to the Spirit

Dennis McCallum
Romans 8:1-9

The Bible explains that although we are made right before God the moment we meet Christ, we still have a sin nature. This sin nature is in opposition to the Spirit of God. How can we live our lives guided by the Spirit? How does the sin nature combat that desire?

Released from the Law

Chris Hearty
Romans 7:1-25

What does it look like to depend upon God as we grow spiritually? Paul teaches us how to depend upon God and not on our own fleshly power to grow spiritually. Although the Law is good and holy, it is not meant for us to try to live under Law as we endeavor to grow in our relationship with God. The Law brings death, but the Spirit brings life. We can look to the Law to know where we fall short, but not to find the power to change and grow. We can only find that in Christ Jesus.

Freedom Under Grace

Scott Risley
Romans 6:14-23

Paul summarizes spiritual growth, explaining that we are no longer slaves under the law, but free under grace. We should focus not on our performance or feelings, but on what God has already done and who we are in Christ. Focusing on the former will lead to failure and despair, but as we focus on the latter we gradually begin to see our felt condition line up more and more with our true position in Christ.

The Two Humanities Continued

Gary DeLashmutt
Genesis 11:10-32

A continuing study of the two humanities delving into the genealogies of Seth and Cain. As human society develops, we see both man's greatness in being made in God's image and man's corruption through godless egotism with a moral trajectory downward. We are all born into the line of Cain spiritually, but we can choose the line of Seth by entrusting ourselves to the God of the Bible. We all leave a legacy ? what step of faith can we take with the Lord TODAY toward a godly life legacy?\r\n

A Thorn in the Flesh

Dennis McCallum
2 Corinthians 11:16-12:10

Paul is plagued by a "thorn in flesh". He asks God to remove his suffering, but God allows it to continue. This teaching covers God's response to Paul and how Christians can grow in any circumstance.