The Unseen World

Jim Leffel
Daniel 10:2-21

Daniel's visions give profound insight into the spiritual world that are totally distinct from western skepticism or animistic superstition. The Bible describes angels as powerful, personal, spiritual beings with limited access to humans. There is a conflict in the spiritual world because of Satan's accusations against God's goodness. Because this conflict also extends to us, we should be on the alert as we place our confidence in God.

The What of the Gospel (Part 3)

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 2:15

Through Jesus' death on the cross, he broke Satan's authority and ensured Satan's ultimate defeat. When people place their faith in Christ, they are able to experience freedom from satanic opposition in their lives. Some of the primary ways that Satan will try and oppose Christians is through accusation, deception, and temptation. Three primary ways we can stand firm against Satan's accusations are: 1) affirming promises of God's goodness and recalling His provision; 2) standing firm on God's complete forgiveness and begin relating to God with confidence in His love for us; and 3) committing ourselves to radical obedience to God.

Persecution and Division

Dennis McCallum
Acts 5:12-6:7

Despite many miracles and signs of God, the apostles encounter more persecution from the Sanhedrin and are thrown into jail. The high priest confronts Peter about preaching about the message of Jesus Christ. Some encounter flogging for their faith, only to continue to spread the message of Christ. However, they start encountering division because of cultural differences that threatens the dynamic Christian community. As a result of a dispute on how to assist widows, the Apostles ask the disciples to choose seven spiritual leaders to solve the problem, those of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit, and who are wise. These instances show that Satan will use persecution and division to try and minimize the effectiveness of God's work, but that preservation of unity within the Body of Christ can be sustained by quality leaders.

Withstanding Temptation

Dennis McCallum
Acts 5:12-6:7

Temptation is an inevitable part of the Christian life. Satan plays a huge role in this suffering because falling into temptation can ruin a believer's witness to other people and alienate them from God. Satan, the tempter, works alongside our own sin nature to tell us lies that increase our desire to sin while helping us to justify that very sin. In order to withstand this, we can follow Jesus' example and hold up Scripture to Satan's lies. Without this, we tend to try and argue with Satan's compelling logic, which never goes well for us. Practically, we can better equip ourselves with key Scriptures and be invested in deep friendships where we can hold one another accountable and confess to each other when we do fall into temptation.

Suffering and Spiritual Warfare

Dennis McCallum
Acts 5:12-6:7

For healthy Christians, a significant portion of voluntary pain comes from our battle with Satan. Currently, Satan rules this world, meaning that Christians are always in a spiritual battle. Contrast having this mindset with having a peace-time mentality, and see how dangerous it is to remain indifferent.

How to Fight the Lion

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Peter 5:5-11

Peter describes three ways we should expect Satan to attack Christians and the resources God gives us to fend him off. 1) Satan tempts us to be prideful and God's "antidote" is humility through remembering and applying the gospel. 2) Satan tries to deceive us by killing or misdirecting your enthusiasm for God and God provides the bible and Christian community. 3) Satan tries to intimidate us and God allows us to stand firm in faith on the truth He has provided. Finally, Peter encourages Christians be watchful of Satan, but to keep their focus on Jesus.\r\n

Power of the Gospel (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Mark 5:1-20

The Bible presents a picture of the supernatural that is different from both naturalism and an obsessive neurosis: that we are spiritual beings in a spiritual world. The spiritual dimension is not neutral, and humans live in a system that is largely under the control of Satan. When Jesus commands demons out of a possessed man, he proves that he is able to restore us to freedom and sanity.


Dennis McCallum
James 1:13-15

James warns on the temptations of the world and how we view them over God. Legitimate desires become lust when we look to them for meaning and happiness rather than God. When we view desires as solutions to our problems they become lusts and displace God. We have the option to admit our problems without blame-shifting, and to cling to God's Truth.

Overcoming Temptation

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 4:1-13

Jesus is tempted by Satan in the wilderness; this event teaches us how we will be tempted and how to overcome temptation. Our essential weapon in overcoming temptation is knowing God's Word.