Occult Confrontation

Dennis McCallum
Mark 5:1-20

Jesus' interaction with the Gerasene demoniac gives us insight into how to confront matters of the occult. Occult worship is empowered by Satan and can lead to incredibly harmful results for people who don't know Jesus, including possession and spiritual oppression. From Jesus' account, we see some characteristics of demon possession, including: 1) extraordinary strength; 2) paroxysms; 3) spiritual resistance; 4) self-destructive tendencies; and 5) tongues and voices. Jesus has ultimate authority, including over the demonic forces controlling people. Those involved in occult practice should denounce it under Christ's authority and turn towards Christ for real security from evil forces.

Dealing With Spiritual Evil (Part 3): The Battle Lines

Jim Leffel
1 Peter 5:8-9

In addition to other means of attack, Satan strikes at believers' consciences through seduction and temptation: the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the boastful pride of life. After they fall into sin, he accuses them to God and to themselves, leaving them feeling considerably remorseful. When believers choose to repent by basking in God's love, graciousness, and mercy, they can have a cleared conscience; they can be restored; and they can be confident in God's active transformational work in their heart. They also begin to have the freedom to desire what God desires.

Dealing With Spiritual Evil (Part 2): The Battle Lines

Jim Leffel
1 Peter 5:8-9

We learn about some of the ways that Satan attacks the church. A lot of this plays out through the seeds of disunity that he sows within the Body of Christ. Satan also strikes at our identity and emotions. In this world that Satan has corrupted, we'll continually find that we will only discover hope in God; this hope plays out when we take God at His word and thank Him for who He is. God's hope curtails the clouds of despair that Satan generates within us.

Dealing With Spiritual Evil (Part 1): The Adversary

Jim Leffel
1 Peter 5:8-9

As believers, knowing that Satan exists and is our adversary should elicit a few different responses in us. We can respond with confidence in the Lord, who lives in us, as He is more powerful than Satan. Satan's existence should also remind us that we are in the middle of a battle zone; now is not the time to live as though we are in ?peacetime.? Our lifestyle, friendships, and prayer life will reflect the kind of mentality we are living out.

Jesus Steps Out

Dennis McCallum
Mark 1:9-13

Jesus' baptism by John the Baptist reflected that he would take over the work that preceded him by the Old Testament prophets. Jesus' temptation in the wilderness by Satan describes the intense spiritual battle that we, as Christians, are a part of. In order to be successful in spiritual warfare, Christians need to be rooted in God's truth to dismantle Satan's lies and have dependence on the Holy Spirit's power during times of temptation. Jesus was now ready to begin his ministry to tell people about the forgiveness possible through him.

Destroying Fortresses

Dennis McCallum
John 8:44

Paul explained that Christians are in a spiritual war against Satan and his forces. This isn't a war of swords and spears, but it is a war of truth. We are able to fight away Satan's lies with the Word of truth (the Bible).

Stages of Spiritual Development

Gary DeLashmutt
1 John 2:14

John highlights the stages of spiritual development for Christians, including: 1) childhood; 2) young adulthood; and 3) mature adulthood. The focus of spiritual development within the childhood phase includes the assurance of God's complete forgiveness and the personal-love relationship we have with Him. As we mature, God wants to remind us of our victory against Satan and regularly exposing us to His Word and learning how to obey it. As we get to adulthood spiritually, God is able to deepen our appreciation of our personal relationship with Him and produce stability and confidence after years of depending on Him. Healthy spiritual development isn't automatic, but occurs within the confines of a healthy community of Christians.

Spiritual Warfare (Part 6)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 6

Within spiritual warfare, we are able to withstand Satan's tactics by resting in God's power. We must learn to stand firm in God's truth to defend ourselves from Satan's accusations, affirming our position in Christ in faith as we remain intent on accomplishing God's mission. As we remain persistent in prayer, rooted in God's Word, and confident of the security we have through Christ, we are able to effectively fight against Satan's schemes.

Spiritual Warfare (Part 5)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 6

Satan's main corporate tactics include: 1) infiltration; 2) division; 3) opposition; 4) corporate deception; and 5) persecution. Many of these tactics lead to feelings of alienation towards God and other believers, causing damage within God's church and preventing focused attention towards His purposes. Our response as believers is to stand our ground based on God's Word to combat Satan's tactics.