Spiritual Warfare (Part 4)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 6

One of Satan's primary tactics is to accuse and tempt Christians. Satan attempts to accuse Christians in four primary ways: 1) towards God; 2) towards others; 3) causing division between people; and 4) accusing to our selves. These accusations and temptations center around harmful habits of ongoing sin, resulting in feelings of alienation from God and discrediting His message. We need to respond to these lies and accusations with God's truth and take a firm stance in our identity in Christ and the promises which God says are true.

Spiritual Warfare (Part 3)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 6

In spiritual warfare, Satan's forces and tactics are relentless, stealthy, and well-disciplined. This causes problems for Christians that are often unaware of his schemes. Satan's tactics are aimed at preventing people from knowing God personally through Christ and rendering Christians ineffective in God's work. However, we are on the offensive, looking to infiltrate the world, liberate those who don't know Christ, and make disciples of Christ. Being offensive in spiritual warfare has the opportunity to expand God's kingdom.

Spiritual Warfare (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 6

Within spiritual warfare, we must be prepared to face and defend against Satan's attacks. Satan will often distort, question, deny, and replace God's Word in the lives of Christians. We must learn to memorize and stand behind God's Word to distinguish Satan's lies. Christians must also learn to understand the power and intellect of Satan.

Spiritual Warfare (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 6

Following Christ means encountering spiritual warfare and fighting against Satan and his schemes. Satan is against God and his people and is intent on keeping people away from God and fulfilling His plans. Within spiritual warfare, we must adopt a wartime mentality, be sober and alert, and be ready to fight with God's truth and power.

The Fall of the Human Race

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 3:1-17

Before the fall, the world was complete and good. Satan entered the Garden of Eden and distorted the word of and casting suspicion on God, tricking Eve into eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This caused alienation: psychological, theological, sociological, and ecological. Now, humans have the opportunity to be reunited with God through trust.

Spirits and the Material World

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 6:10-12

Humans live in a spiritually divided world. Satan was a created being who led a rebellion against God and now rules Earth. Because of this rule, spiritual warfare is a forced circumstance of our world. Fortunately, we know the outcome of this war. We don't need to live in fear because God is in control. Still, believers need to be aware that Satan takes people more seriously than they take themselves and wants to impose his will on them.

Spiritual Warfare (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 6:10-18

The spiritual battle is a battle for truth, with Satan opposing God's truth. We can fight in the battle by remaining alert, persevering in prayer, and having biblical faith. \r\n

Spiritual Warfare (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 5:8-9

Who is Satan? Is he real? What does the Bible really say about him? Understanding spiritual warfare begins with us understanding that we have an enemy who opposes God and God's people. In order to fight back, we have to understand his position and strategy.

Division in the Body of Christ

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 12:25

Unity is a key factor in the church, fellowship, and spirituality. What happens when the members of the body are divided? Our enemy, Satan, seeks to destroy God's people by tempting us to turn on each other and by encouraging apathy toward one another. What does division look like? Are we allowed to dissent and still maintain Godly unity within the church?\r\n