The Fall (Part 1): The Heart of the Problem

Jim Leffel
1 John 2:15-16

How do we understand and deal with evil? Adam and Eve's fall stemmed from an assault on God's character, their prideful autonomy, and the erroneous belief that satisfying their desires would lead to fulfillment.

Jesus' Supremacy

Conrad Hilario
Mark 5:41

Through several events, the disciples witness and recognize the absolute power that Jesus has as the Son of God. Jesus calms the waters while the disciples and him are on a boat; this act demonstrates Jesus' authority over nature. Later, the disciples witness Jesus cast out demons from a man, which shows Jesus' power over evil and the spiritual realm. Lastly, Jesus heals and brings back to life a sick girl; this shows his power over sickness and even death.

Encountering God's Enemy

Conrad Hilario
1 Corinthians 15:45

Jesus provides an example of how to use the Word of God as a weapon against Satan. Jesus models dependence on God while Satan operates under autonomy, pragmatism, and pride. Jesus is our perfect substitute who offers us a victorious alternative in responding to temptation through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Confronts His Enemy

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 15:45

The three temptations of Jesus are recorded: to be autonomous from God by turning stones into bread, to prematurely claim his rightful rulership by worshiping Satan, and for Jesus to leap from the temple to be prematurely recognized for who He is. Jesus uses Scripture to resist and refute Satan's words, demonstrating the need for every believer to know the Bible deeply and well enough to use it in spiritual warfare. The believer is encouraged to know Satan's tactics and aim for persistence in winning battles that Satan will repeatedly bring into his or her life.

Who Was John the Baptist?

Conrad Hilario
1 Corinthians 2:7-8

Who is John the Baptist? He's not Elijah as many believed at the time, however, they do share similarities. God sent John the Baptist to prepare the way for Jesus's first coming and God will send Elijah prior to Jesus's second coming. God allowed mysteries such as Jesus' first and second coming and John the Baptist's identity in order for His enemy Satan to unknowingly take part in His plan to rescue humankind.

The Armor of God

Ryan Lowery
Ephesians 6:13-24

Paul explains spiritual warfare through the imagery of a soldier's armor. He describes 1) The belt of truth, 2) The breastplate of righteousness, 3) Feet prepared for the Gospel, 4) The shield of faith, 5) The helmet of salvation, and 6) the sword of the Spirit. This is how we have been equipped to battle Satan.

The Kosmos

Mike Sullivan
1 John 2:15-17

The apostle John commands his audience not to love the "kosmos" (i.e., the world system). This system includes three primary values: 1) the lust of the eyes (materialism); 2) the lust of the flesh (hedonism); and 3) the boastful pride of life (egotism). These values are authored and promoted by Satan and are designed to keep people away from God. John says believers should reject the kosmos because it stands in the way of our intimacy with God, it is temporal, and because if we do reject it, our investments in this life will last into eternity.

The Combat Field Manual - Fighting Today in Our March Toward Eternity

John Cleary
2 Corinthians 4:16-18

We are reminded throughout Scripture to "not be surprised by the fiery ordeal" that accompanies the spiritual battle to which we belong. This spiritual battle is very real and we need to be convinced of it. The battle is in our minds and the weapon God has given us to fight in this battle is His truth. Writing out truth is helpful in arming our minds for this battle. We can develop our own personal Combat Field Manual.\r\n

Who is Satan?

Ryan Lowery
Ephesians 6:10-20

Paul explains spiritual warfare and this teaching focuses primarily on biblical teaching concerning God's adversary (Satan). Satan's goal is to get humanity to forsake God and worship ourselves. Our cultural representation of Satan is inaccurate and belittling. A clear understanding of Satan and the world system prepares us to recognize Satan's schemes.