Spiritual Warfare (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
2 Corinthians 10:3-5

Since Satan does exist, Peter urges his audience to resist his claims. The way we engage in this spiritual battle is through active trust in Biblical facts. This comes down to the question: am I going to believe what Satan says, or what God says? Those who believe in what God says and have faith in Him are able to put on the armor of God and demolish the lies that will continue to confuse our minds. \r\n

Spiritual Warfare

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 5:8-9

One of Satan's greatest tactics is leading people to believe that he is not real and has no influence in our lives. Satan has a huge influence in the world and directly in people's lives, causing spiritual warfare. Satan's ultimate goal is to destroy people's lives and render Christians ineffective in this world. Although this is true, God has defeated Satan and came to give life, and life abundantly!\r\n

The Truth Will Set You Free

Jeff Gordon
John 8:31-59

Jesus teaches that the sin nature enslaves people while following his truth sets people free. To have freedom in this life means to become Jesus' disciple and follow his teachings. The religious leaders were not able to understand Jesus' message because of their pride. As a result, they believed Satan's lies. The only way to counter lies is with the truth. Freedom is a result of following the truth.


Ryan Lowery
Luke 3:21-4:14

The Bible teaches that Satan tempted Adam into rebelling against God, which caused sin to enter the world. The logic of Satan is built on the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the boastful pride of life. Where Adam failed to refute Satan's lies, Jesus was able to refute them with God's Word. Believers should follow the example of Jesus in refuting temptation.

Distinctives of Militant Christianity

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Corinthians 16:13-14

Paul uses militant language to describe the church, because all Christians are involved in spiritual warfare. Christians, as soldiers, should be spiritually alert and never compromise on essential biblical teaching. We should also be faithful despite suffering, and above all, be soldiers who are controlled by love.

Get Ready for History's Climax

Dennis McCallum
2 Thessalonians 2:1-13

In the endtimes, there will be a man of lawlessness who will be worshipped as above God. There are many things that have to happen during this time, and it is not clear what they are, but during that time, people will believe false things, anarchy and lawlessness will increase, and hearts will grow cold.

Spiritual Friendship

Scott Risley
1 Thessalonians 3:5

Paul stresses the importance of spiritual friendships by describing his relationship with the Thessalonians. Hindrances to spiritual friendships involve 1) Satan's attack on spiritual relationships; 2) codependency; 3) being disengaged. The strengths and weaknesses of the tribal and diffuse approach to relationships are also explained.

The Armor of God

Scott Risley
Ephesians 6:11-24

God has given us several methods of defense and one method of attack for dealing with spiritual warfare. Paul uses a soldier's uniform as a metaphor to illustrate these practices. With prayer, faith, and the sword that is God's Word, we can stand up to Satan.

Spiritual Warfare

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 6:10-18

There are 6 elements the Bible mentions Christians have to use in spiritual warfare: 1) belt of Truth, 2) breastplate of God's Righteousness, 3) feet fitted with the Gospel of Peace, 4) shield of Faith, 5) helmet of Salvation, and 6) the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. All of these things should be coupled with persistence in prayer. We look in depth at each of these weapons and how we can practically appropriate them in the Christian life.