Understanding for the Simple

D.A. Carson
Psalms 119

D. A. Carson examines Psalm 119 in a deeper study of its form and structure. Ultimately this psalm is a meditation about God cycling through various themes. As we study this passage, and other Scripture, we can meditate on God's truths and grow in our understanding and love. \r\n

Fighting for Delight in God's Word

John Cleary
Luke 10:38-42

As we develop and cultivate our relationship with God we can find delight in His Word. We are in a spiritual battle - and the enemy wants us to not advance in this area. We should fight for this and advance intentionally. We can do this as we expand our understanding of the word - seeing it as our theology, wisdom, a gift, a weapon, a stewardship, and a revelation of relationship.

Helping Disciples Develop Time with God

Sara Bott
Colossians 3:16

As we seek to fan the flame, igniting other's time with God, we should seek to understand three main concepts: our role in motivating people, actions through which we can help motivate, and areas in which we should seek to motivate. When we understand what is our role apart from God's, we can imperfectly but effectively motivate others without falling into manipulation. To ignite a fire in others, modeling is important as well as persuading, instructing, encouraging and vision-setting. With these tools, we can help others develop a consistent and faithful time with God that is still centered around grace.

Preparing Spiritually to Communicate God's Word

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 3:16

When we communicate God's Word to others we need to prepare beforehand. We do this through having gratitude to God for what He has done and all He has given us.

The Word on Women

Kate Mizelle
1 Timothy 2:8-15

This workshop explores what the Bible has to say about the role of women in the church. Based on two specific passages of scripture, many believers holding a traditional view have disqualified women from leading in the church, understanding that this is God's will. But as we explore the context and the other scriptures speaking about women's involvement in the church, a different picture emerges. A proper interpretation of these passages amongst others gives us confidence that God is behind women leading for him.

Teaching Kids to Love God's Word

Jeff Risley
1 Timothy 2:8-15

Providing a firm foundation for kids in God's Word is of the utmost importance! Learning about God, the Bible, and their identity in Christ at a young age will effect the entire trajectory of their lives. When teaching kids there are some things to consider: How can we help ideas stick, and how best will that information be processed? Also, how do we account for gender differences when teaching them? Hear practical suggestions to show kids how exciting, useful, and rewarding it is to study God's Word. \r\n\r\n

Interpreting the Bible for All Its Worth

Douglas Stuart
1 Timothy 2:8-15

Co-author of "How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth" and "How to Read the Bible Book-By-Book" delivers a talk on the importance of interpreting the Bible. Using a variety of verses to provide examples, Stuart breaks down the interpretative steps of examining words, content, format, support, and application.

The Ways of Knowing - How the Bible Speaks to the Whole Person

Jim Leffel
Deuteronomy 6:5-9

Knowledge comes in more than one form, as opposed to reductionistic thinking, which professes that knowledge only comes from a single source. But in fact, there are numerous ways of knowing as we see expressed throughout the Bible. There is propositional, personal, and practical knowing. Through these means, we can grow to learn who God is and how we can relate with Him.

Building a Family Around the Word

Chris Risley
Psalms 78:5-7

Many parents don't have a specific goal for their children to shape their parenting. As Christian parents, however, our goal should be to have our children grow to love the Lord wholeheartedly. This means we need to address our relationship with God, with our spouse, and with our kids. In order to give to our family amidst our own imperfections and anxieties, we need to be receiving from God ourselves. Through prioritizing our marriage, spending ample time getting quality time with our children and raising them according to God's priorities, we can build a successful family around the word of God.