The Infinite Personal God

Jim Leffel
Exodus 3:1-15

Our culture today has many ideas that describe the nature of God. We may be challenged in our personal assumptions of the character of God through studying the Bible. God has revealed His personhood to us throughout the Bible. The book of Exodus gives a picture that the God of the Bible is both infinite and personal.\r\n\r\nA coffee shop interview about God's character from an anonymous interviewee was included.

Is John Saying Christians Don't Sin?

Gary DeLashmutt
1 John 3:5-9

John's teaching raises the question of whether there can be Christians who commit sins. The idea that Christians can cease sinning is taught against clearly in other parts of Scripture. Instead, John is combating false teachers who intentionally sinned in a habitual lifestyle without remorse. These false teachers lived sexually immoral lives and yet taught their followers that they were above sexual immorality, further affirming their false teaching and hypocrisy. Those who are truly known by Christ are eager to share his message with others, have a sensitized conscience, are eager to hear from God's Word, and have a growing love for other Christians. This stands in contrast to the false teachers John was arguing against.

Stages of Spiritual Development

Gary DeLashmutt
1 John 2:14

John highlights the stages of spiritual development for Christians, including: 1) childhood; 2) young adulthood; and 3) mature adulthood. The focus of spiritual development within the childhood phase includes the assurance of God's complete forgiveness and the personal-love relationship we have with Him. As we mature, God wants to remind us of our victory against Satan and regularly exposing us to His Word and learning how to obey it. As we get to adulthood spiritually, God is able to deepen our appreciation of our personal relationship with Him and produce stability and confidence after years of depending on Him. Healthy spiritual development isn't automatic, but occurs within the confines of a healthy community of Christians.

David & Goliath

Dennis McCallum
Numbers 13:25-14:9

After God rejected Saul as king, He led Samuel to David, an unlikely choice by human standards but a man after God's own heart. David had a rich devotional life, meditating on the Word day and night. Because he was deeply rooted in Scripture, he had a strong willingness to act knowing God would come through for him. When the Philistine army put forth Goliath to fight one of the Israelites, no one would volunteer. David, knowing the battle was God's and trusting that He would rescue him from the hands of Goliath, stepped up and defeated the Philistine champion.


Gary DeLashmutt
Numbers 13:25-14:9

We are deeply broken people living in a badly broken world, but we are designed for personal love relationships. Making truth-guided choices leads to long-term emotional health, while feelings-guided choices leads to long-term emotional problems.\r\n

The Only Wise God

Jim Leffel
Romans 16:25-27

God's plan to send Jesus Christ to die for humanity was the mystery hidden for generations past. The coming of Jesus was foretold throughout scripture, as he was pictured as a Messianic King. However, the cross revealed that Jesus was also the suffering servant mentioned throughout the Old Testament, revealing God's plan that Christ would come to Earth twice. The mystery of the cross demonstrated God's immense love and justice.

Spiritual Warfare (Part 6)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 6

Within spiritual warfare, we are able to withstand Satan's tactics by resting in God's power. We must learn to stand firm in God's truth to defend ourselves from Satan's accusations, affirming our position in Christ in faith as we remain intent on accomplishing God's mission. As we remain persistent in prayer, rooted in God's Word, and confident of the security we have through Christ, we are able to effectively fight against Satan's schemes.

Spiritual Warfare (Part 5)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 6

Satan's main corporate tactics include: 1) infiltration; 2) division; 3) opposition; 4) corporate deception; and 5) persecution. Many of these tactics lead to feelings of alienation towards God and other believers, causing damage within God's church and preventing focused attention towards His purposes. Our response as believers is to stand our ground based on God's Word to combat Satan's tactics.

The Temptation of Christ

Gary DeLashmutt
Matthew 4:1-10

Before Jesus can launch his public ministry, he is sent into the desert by God to be tempted three times by Satan. Through this event, Jesus is able to identify with sinners, and so help us when we are tempted. Each temptation also correlates with a common progression of sneakier and sneakier methods by Satan, all centering on lies about God and His Word. First Satan preys on our physical needs, then he misrepresents God, and finally he tries to convince us to seemingly live for God without suffering. The way to fight these lies is with truth: God's Word.