What About Israel? (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Romans 9-11

God's plan throughout human history has always included the Nation of Israel. During this time of the church age, God has been primarily using Gentiles, while remaining faithful to the small remnant of Israel for the future. God's sovereignty throughout human history proves that He uses who He wants. In the meantime, those in the church age have the exciting experience to be used by God before He goes back to using His chosen people group.

Who is the Real Jesus?

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 9-11

Jesus has had an impact on every generation, but who was he really? Was he the pagan figure of the gnostic gospels, someone unknowable, or the Jesus of the canonical gospels? The evidence that he is the man the gospels claim him to be is overwhelming - he is a figure who can be factually and historically known. And as the gospels proclaim, he is still alive, so that we can know him in a personal way, too.

How to Know the Will of God

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 5

Understanding God's Will for our lives requires wisdom and discernment. Elements to be considered when thinking about God's Will include: 1) scripture; 2) spiritual expediency; 3) correlated leading; 4) mature counsel; 5) direct divine revelation; 6) providential circumstances; 7) inner spiritual promptings; 8) spiritual gifting; 9) spiritual fruit; and 10) personal desires. God desires to make His will known to those are committed to following His leading and eager to ask for His insight.

What is Faith?

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 11:1

Many would define faith as believing in something regardless of the truth. However, the Bible defines faith as a confident assurance in our hope. Because of the strong evidence that the Bible is revelation from God, we can be sure that God has spoken. It is left for us to act on faith, in light of the things that we know but cannot see.

History or Propaganda? - The Gospels

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 11:1

What really happened at the crucifixion? Are the gospel accounts historically accurate? Or are the gospel accounts propaganda? Who is responsible for the death of Christ? These questions are addressed through the lens of archaeological evidence and eyewitness accounts.

History or Propaganda? - The Gospels

Jeff Gordon
Hebrews 11:1

The historical reliability of the gospel narratives is shown using the bibliographic test. This tests the dating and transmission of a text to see if it is an accurate representation of what the original author wrote. To assess its reliability, the Bible is compared to other historical documents and archaeology. The question of who is ultimately responsible for Jesus' death is also addressed.

Revealing the Son

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 1:4-2:4

The author of Hebrews uses a variety of Old Testament quotations to support affirmations about Jesus. He points out that God has a unique son with a right to rule, that this son is higher than angels, and finally that he is divine. If God has spoken to us about these things, then what He says really matters for our lives.

Introducing Hebrews

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 1:1-3

The book of Hebrews was written to answer a variety of questions that a 1st-century Jewish person may have had. The book is significant because, while Christianity emerges from Judaism, it also rejects key Jewish practices and assumptions. It answers many questions about God's Word and authority in a convincing way that harmonizes both the Old and New Testaments.

The Power of the Word

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 1:23-2:3

God's Word is powerful! As we develop a deeper knowledge of His Word we: gain wisdom, experience victorious prayer, are able to minister effectively, and our character is transformed. In order to benefit from God's Word we need to be willing to follow what it says, to interpret it soundly, and to live it out.