A Call to Diligence; Wielding the Sword Accurately

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 3:14-19

Timothy's church was facing a unique form of false teaching that combined mystical Judaism with popular Greek philosophy, and Paul commanded Timothy to handle the word of God accurately as a result. This command is not just relevant for Timothy though - modern believers face similar teaching and must be able to accurately interpret and explain God's Word to those questioning the Christian faith. These skills can be developed through diligence and intentional study of the Bible, and when they are combined with personal experience of the Holy Spirit, Christians can thrive and serve others more effectively.

Christ's Prophetic Entrance into Jerusalem

Dennis McCallum
Daniel 9

Christ's entrance into Jerusalem, moving closer toward his death, is another fulfilled prophecy. This particular prophecy helps identify Jesus Christ as the Messiah. Additionally, Daniel 9 is an incredible prophecy than verifies Christ as Messiah by the astounding accuracy of it's prediction. A careful study of the prophecy and it's calculations lead to a precise prediction of when Jesus would die on the cross.

The Rich Man and Lazarus

Dennis McCallum
Luke 16

The Pharisees taught that the rich were favored by God, while the poor lived under His judgement, a teaching not supported by the Bible. Through a parable and through action, Jesus refutes this way of thinking, demonstrating that the rich are just as capable as the poor of going to Hell. He instructs the Pharisees to observe their scripture to find the answers of eternity, and not to seek material gain as proof that God favors them.

Jesus Confronts His Enemy

Dennis McCallum
Luke 4

Christ encounters Satan in the wilderness, giving insight into aspects of spiritual warfare. Jesus was totally dependent on God when he encountered Satan's accusations, combating them with the Word of God. Satan's temptations often revolve around living for self, but Jesus demonstrated that patiently depending on God through the Holy Spirit produces real satisfaction. Learning to combat Satan's temptations and live for God's purposes is deeply fulfilling.

Christ and Fulfilled Prophecy

Dennis McCallum
Luke 3

The genealogy of Jesus Christ is a powerful apologetic for the authenticity of God's Word. God's plan revealed through His Word has been in place for thousands of years. The genealogies reveal God's grace as he uses common and sinful people to advance His plan through Christ, highlighting the hypocrisy that Jesus would combat during his ministry.

Who Was John the Baptist?

Dennis McCallum
John 1:19-23

John the Baptist paved the way of Christ's earthly ministry. At the time, people were confused on who he was, as the two comings of Christ had been concealed by God. People were expecting Elijah to come before the Messiah, but John instead removed a key obstacle to people believing in Christ when he came. God's mystery plan that was revealed through the Cross gives us a greater appreciation for His work throughout human history.

The Self-Revelation of God

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 19

In Psalm 19, David talks about how God reveals Himself. He talks about how God's awesomeness is revealed through nature, how His character is revealed through His Word, and how we can expect to find Him in His Word when we approach it with humility. Will we willingly seek God out and His will for our lives?

Meditate on God

Lee Campbell
Psalms 139

As Christians, we will experience many blessings when we make a regular habit of meditating on God's Word. Meditation on God's Word involves taking time to learn, pondering, praying, and then acting on what we have learned. Throughout all of this we must also give God permission to lead us in our thoughts, actions, and lives.

The Genealogy of Christ

Dennis McCallum
Luke 3:23-38

Jesus (the Messiah) was born a descendant of King David, in Bethlehem, as had been predicted in the Old Testament. Jesus fulfilled prophecies that he had no control over, this is just one way God has shown His sovereignty in His plan for this world.