Flexibility in Parenting

Kristen Mayer

Kristen Mayer cautions parents to avoid black and white thinking in our parenting. Every child is created unique and will differ from his or her siblings in temperament, learning style and response to discipline. This requires parents to be willing to be flexible in their parenting style depending on the unique differences inherent in each of their children. Fortunately, the Bible gives us direction in raising our children to be respectful of authority, submit to discipline, respect/love others, think critically, have resiliency, to name a few. No one is born knowing how to be a great parent. We need to be willing to receive feedback in our parenting and to give feedback to our friends' in their parenting.

Why and How to Memorize Scripture

Ryan Weingartner

Have you ever thought about memorizing large sections of Scripture but are uncertain how to start? This workshop will address motivational reasons for memorizing scripture and practical tips to help you become an approved worker, accurately handling the Word of Truth.

God Chose You

Chris Risley
Ephesians 1:8-23

Against all reason, God chose to love you! He loves you not because of anything you have done but because He created you. He wants YOU, not the things you can do for Him. Once you heard the message of forgiveness, and believed it, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. God wants you to know how much He loves you and He will help you to believe Him.

Opening the Eyes of Your Heart

James Rochford
Ephesians 1:15-23

Opening the eyes of your heart involves transitioning from propositional truth of knowing God in a head-knowledge sort of way to a personal knowledge of God that goes deep into your heart. We need God's enlightenment to understand the depth of these truths. We can access this enlightenment of the heart by prayer, meditation and recognition and redirection throughout the day.

Standing Firm

Mike Sullivan
1 Peter 5:8-14

Peter describes Satan as a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. He attempts to devour us by means of distraction, deception and other schemes. As Christians, we resist him by standing solid in the faith. Stand fast in the true grace of God.

Famous Last Words

Scott Risley
2 Timothy 4:9-22

As Paul faces his last days on earth, his thoughts are on his friends, both loyal and disloyal, his reading material (Old Testament and his letters), and finally, his cloak to keep him warm in his cold prison cell. In the end, the Word of God and his relationships are what mattered most to Paul. When you face the end of your life, you can have certainty that you will face Jesus as your friend.

Living for an Audience of One

Scott Risley
2 Timothy 4:1-8

Paul calls Timothy to be like the king's herald who is charged with accurately speaking the king's words, not altering the words in any way, even if it is very unpopular. Timothy actually does have the words of the King, and the King has something to say about Jesus is the only way to heaven, about moral right and wrong, about the final judgment, and about sacrificial love and commitment to God.

How to Make a Lasting Impact

James Rochford
2 Timothy 3:16-4:8

Paul, knowing that his execution was near at hand, charges Timothy to preach the Word in season and out of season. Here are three questions we can ask ourselves regarding making a lasting impact. What has God given us to make an impact in our world? What is our role in making an impact? What is our primary motivation for making an impact in our world?

Paul's Final Admonition

Dennis McCallum
2 Timothy 4:1-5

Paul, in his final admonition to Timothy just before his execution, strongly encourages him to preach the Word. He implies God has a plan for Timothy when he exhorts him to complete the ministry God had given him. It also implies that following the plan God has designed for us is optional. It is up to us to choose to follow it.