Why This Waste?

Ryan Lowery
John 12:1-10

Mary pours out her costly perfume on Jesus' feet, anointing him. As different people react to her action, we see lessons on giving up what is ours in gratitude for all Jesus has given us.

The Good Shepherd

Ryan Lowery
John 10:1-21

Jesus uses the metaphor of the shepherd to explain his role in the world. He is the Good Shepherd. He leads His flock and protects his sheep. We are God's sheep.

Praying as a Servant

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 11:5-13

When Jesus instructs his disciples on how to pray, he stresses 3 important attitudes: a willingness to serve, a sense of helplessness, and a boldness. With these attitudes in mind, we can come before God each day, presenting ourselves, and know that He will allow us a lifestyle that will fill us with joy and purpose.

Two Ministry Priorities of Healthy Churches

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Timothy 5:3-18

How can we have healthy churches? This passage covers two important priorities that are part of a healthy church ethos.

Did Paul Want to Make Chauvinist Churches?

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 16:1-3

\r\nFormer leaders of the Ephesian church had fallen into gnostic false teaching. They were actively seeking to deceive some of the women in the church and take advantage of their weaknesses. Paul writes Timothy to temporarily not allow women to teach, so that false teaching would not be spread and the women could be equipped not to fall into false teaching. This is an exceptional situation that must be interpreted based on the historical context in which the letter was written. False teaching and unedifying behavior is to be forbidden in the church.

Uniformity & Diversity in Ministry

Gary DeLashmutt
Acts 13:2

In the church, there are ministry roles that all members should play, which can be referred to as ministry uniformity. This includes evangelism, discipleship, loving one another, financial stewardship and corporate prayer. But there is also ministry diversity, ministry strengths and roles that vary between Christians. This includes both spiritual gifts and specific ministry field passion. We should seek a healthy balance between these in our church, and here we discuss what that looks like and how a body of Christ can move toward that balance.

Ministering Because I Matter

Mateo Williamson
Philippians 1:9

In order to approach God's ministry from the way He wants you to, you must know who you are and why you matter. What God says about you and your identity will guide you in how to love. There are many signs and symptoms that arise when you minister from your own self effort. They are all self-focused and fear based. When you minister from your identity, you come from a place of humility and gratitude. The result is bearing fruit for God and experiencing His love.

A Disciple and Teacher

Gary DeLashmutt
John 8:12

Jesus address the area of influence authority figures have on those who follow them. He teaches that we have a choice in who influences us spiritually and we should choose those people carefully. If we choose to be a follower of Christ we should expect persecution and mistreatment by those who oppose Christ. He also applies this to the area of greatness and that true greatness is serving others the way Jesus has served you.

A Shepherd's Heart

Scott Risley
Acts 20:1-38

Paul encourages the elders from Ephesus. He lays out characteristics of being a Good Shepherd in this speech to the Ephesians. There are also risks when pursuing being a Good Shepherd to God's flock, and there's a responsibility that comes with serving in this way.