Who Do You Say That I Am?

Gary DeLashmutt
Matthew 16:13-19

The identity of Jesus is something that was called into question during the years of his ministry on this Earth as well as in our present day. Our response to Jesus' question "Who do you say that I am?," affects the trajectory of our life on this Earth and the next, in the same way that the apostles' responses affected their own lives. When we decide in faith to recognize Jesus as the son of God, we obtain four key privileges: membership in Christ's church, victory over death, helping others to faith in Jesus, and an unchanging basis of spiritual truth and ethics.

Who Should You Follow?

Scott Risley
Luke 6:36-49

In the Sermon on the Plain Jesus explains five differences between bad teachers and good teachers. Bad teachers: condemn rather than forgive, take rather than give, are blind rather than reliable, bear bad fruit rather than good, and ignore Jesus rather than obey him.

Do You Want to Go Away Also?

Gary DeLashmutt
John 6:51-59

Jesus speaks to a large following of people that formed in response to miracles that He had performed during His time in on this Earth, explaining to them the hardships that come with following Him. After a large group of people leave, Jesus calls the disciples attention to the fact that they too have the free will to leave or stay and follow Him despite the suffering that comes with that choice. As we follow Christ with our lives, we learn that in order to persevere we must: expect suffering, value quality over quantity (with respect to spiritual life and ministry), and encourage one another to develop our own freely chosen convictions.

Faith Has Always Been the Way to God

Ryan Lowery
Isaiah 29:13

What is faith? Is it performing rituals without thought? Is it based only on intellectual understanding? Or is it doing good deeds and checking a box off? It's none of those things! Biblical faith is based on God's truth and is action orientated with us willing to act based on God's truth with complete dependence on Him. Rituals do not make use righteous. When we serve others or step out in love without any glory to ourselves it is our faith that receives righteousness.

Reaching the Rejects

Dennis McCallum
Mark 7:4-23

Jesus' ministry is shown to target the outcasts and untouchables of society with mercy and compassion. The Pharisees avoided these people at all costs, worried only for their legalistic concern for themselves. Jesus, however, was willing to forgive sin, touch a leper, and accept a despised tax collector into his circle, demonstrating His compassion for the rejects of this world. The believer is challenged to have this same attitude toward even the most repulsive individual.

Jesus Calling

Dennis McCallum
John 3:36

A distinction is made between a decision to receive the free gift of God's forgiveness and a decision to respond to God's call to follow Him. The case for evangelism is made, pointing out peoples' need to be told about their position before God and how to be forgiven. There is no logical or loving reason not to tell others about Christ. This appeal is for people to make the first decision. The second decision is to respond to God's call for the believer to follow him and present his or her life in service to God in order to reach people with the Good News.

Being Perfected in God's Love (Part 2)

Gary DeLashmutt
1 John 4:7-19

God's will for Christians is to learn how to receive God's love for themselves and to freely give it to others, and He promises to train Christians on how to love others the way that He has loved them. God's training uses five different methods: 1) Biblical instruction; 2) the Spirit's personal promptings; 3) positive and negative role models; 4) difficult people; and 5) rewards of personal fulfillment and happiness. When Christians choose to commit to God's training program in love, they will experience Him meeting their needs personally.

Being Perfected in God's Love

Gary DeLashmutt
1 John 4:7-19

God's will for Christians is to learn how to receive God's love for themselves and to freely give it to others. This kind of love is unique in its origin, nature, and experience, and Christians can experience God's love for them personally by choosing to understand and trust Him. As a result, God will grow our confidence in His love, and our experience of His love is truly complete when we learn to give it to others.

Global Partnerships - Changing the Face of Eternity

Dave Glover
Lou Kassa
1 John 4:7-19

The gospel today is continuing to expand across the globe and through the spreading of house churches. The Western church can participate in the gospel's global advancement through global partnerships, collaborative ministries that promote apostolically gifted, indigenous leaders who are multiplying churches. This workshop describes the importance of these partnerships, the process of securing them, and the success of several partnerships so far. Aklilu Kassa shares about his own experience in this partnership as a partner in Ethiopia.